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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. thanks jok, sounds a plan! Just in pub at moment mate, I'll pm you soon
  2. Go and help on the farm occasionally mate, bit of fencing, walling, just odd jobs etc some of my best mates are farmers I have permission on, and when a farmer genuinely thinks your a good lad, more will follow, tho it doesn't sound like you need any more! Lol
  3. air gun ant

    Golden Eagle

    I did one of them falconry days a couple of years ago, there was 4 people on it for a morning, after we finished I was chatting with the lad and when the others buggered off. we went hunting with his harris hawk on the estate lol we didn't get anything but it had a cracking flight at a woodcock which made my day. I cant remember where it was now? skipton way I think?
  4. searching for a stinker lancs/cumbria area

    1. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Try the kebab shop after chucking out time

  5. very kind offer from kev above, but a 500 mile round trip maybe a touch to far, if anybody a bit closer to lancs/Cumbria knows of any ferrets available please let me no. if not ill make the trip to lurchermans in a couple of weeks cheers lads and thanks again kev
  6. Wrong time of year I no, but I'm in need of a ferret, hob or Jill I don't really mind. Going to an experienced working home, I had to get rid of my ferts a couple years ago but I'm now finding myself in need of one again. If anybody can help it would be much appreciated. I'm near Kendal Cumbria but don't mind traveling. Cheers lads Tab ant
  7. that's a well "put together" dog mate. how old?
  8. There's saluki/bull/whippet/grey in mine I beleave. Don't no percentages tho?
  9. still 50% rooted I'd say? Just a friend round who I forgot was a vet lol hibbiscrub and strapped up and an aspirin, she's gonna come back tomorrow and take the end of the nail so it doesn't touch when she walks and said just to keep bathing it. said she'll be fineHow can you forget your mate is a vet ?????? vetranery nurse sorry, then she joined the ambulance and became a paramedic, I'd forgotten that she had vetranery experiance.
  10. Hello and welcome mate, where in Cumbria are you?
  11. still 50% rooted I'd say? Just a friend round who I forgot was a vet lol hibbiscrub and strapped up and an aspirin, she's gonna come back tomorrow and take the end of the nail so it doesn't touch when she walks and said just to keep bathing it. said she'll be fine
  12. She's caught it on something last night, the nail was vertical she's cleaning it herself but i think it will probs come of TBH?
  13. My first lurcher and her first injury? She seems to be in a fair bit of pain with it and I'm worried about infection.
  14. I've got a book at home, I can't remember what it's called now buts all about a guy that hunted the whales and basking sharks around the islands of west Scotland. It's a really interesting read! I'll be home tonight or tomorrow and I'll root it out.
  15. It does work with petrol engines.....the revs normally drop when the battery is disconnectedi used to have an old boat, with an old BMC petrol engine an I used to do the same on a regular basis, always carried two battery's because if I flattened one over night, I could start it of the spare and then swap to charge the dead one.
  16. hoping my whether app is right saying 22mph wind and nice and cloudy looking forward to it now lolmine says 5-6mph wind and clear skies till midnight, then its cloud and drizzle. Could be a late one! Lol
  17. I'm out tonight but weather doesn't look like it's gonna co-operate
  18. wish I was in to the hunting before the ban, I feel like ive missed so much. just born to late really.
  19. necessity is the mother of invention! so they say. well done mate, just needs a bit of tweeking is all
  20. why are they upside down on computer? theyre fine on my phone?
  21. think the navs will pull 3.5t? mine seems to pull anything without a problem, just don't go off road lol
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