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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. yeah, it's a good lamp. The white beam is not as good as the 150 I have of him but the red beam is spot on. IMO it could do with a selector switch to go from red to white rather than having to cycle thru with the trigger switch but it's not the end of the world. My mate does the lamps and I slip the dog, so he has the 150 in one hand for when the dogs been slipped and the red pro hunter in the other for getting up to them.
  2. is there any laws regarding hunting them with dogs ss? and can you legally run fox to?
  3. Come on be honest, Germany pisses all over the United Kingdom doesn't it??? think hes from the US mateThat's pissed on my bonfire then....lol sorry mate
  4. Come on be honest, Germany pisses all over the United Kingdom doesn't it??? think hes from the US mate
  5. i wanst meaning take an ebt lol I was more thinking of lads taking their running dogs.
  6. Just reading the EBT thread and wondered if anybody from the uk has ever taken their dog down under or to the Us and hunted pigs/hogs? I enjoy reading about the dogs they use and wonder how our dogs would fair? With the proper gear, vests etc. I no a few lads from here did Germany a couple years ago and the dogs did well from what I remember?
  7. "Shit.... how did I get here? And where's here at anyway? "
  8. Well done lads, things can be missinterpreted on a forum sometimes ( or you come in when your pissed and just have some fun lol) but I've met a few lads of here now and all have been really good lads.
  9. Good luck with the pups mate, I've just helped my mate sell the last 2 pups from his accidental mating. They were sharpei x collie and will be good for fook all! lol interesting looking buggers tho
  10. air gun ant


    I just love the way America has said " hold my beer and watch this! " lol
  11. air gun ant


    I work for an American owned company, how could this effect me? Did he say something about lowering business tax to 20% from 45% or something, so that workers got better pay rise etc?
  12. air gun ant


    when will we no who has won?
  13. Well it was all looking good until a couple of days ago, the toe swelled up, went a bit red and I gave it a sniff and could smell that infection smell. £40 for a jab last night and in for surgery this morning with an estimate of £100-£250 to remove the nail? I should of probably taken her straight there really. Anybody no how long it'll take her to recover and get back working after having the claw removed?
  14. I'll bet it was pretty soon after Edison invented the light bulb?
  15. that's how you do it mate! work smarter not harder! lol
  16. Mine arrived yesterday and I'm looking forward to giving it a go. Looks to have decent distance on the red beam and a bit wider than the 150 so should be useful lamp!
  17. As a rule no i dont because ive always been told you will ruin a good sheepdog with cows so i dont. But i whent lambing at a farm a few years ago and the dog ended up helping move cattle and he was fine with them he turned the odd heifer that tryed to make a break for it. ive a few sheep that could ruin a good sheepdog lol you thinking of chucking mac over that beardie? could be a nice litter mate As a rule no i dont because ive always been told you will ruin a good sheepdog with cows so i dont. But i whent lambing at a farm a few years ago and the dog ended up helping move cattle
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