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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. Spot on that mm it's amazing how dogs can really lift your spirits
  2. has anybody used those interlocking plastic base jobbies that you fill with gravel? got an 18' x 9' shed to put up at the new house house and been advised to use these as a base, I cant pour a concrete base as its a rented house. also wheres the best place to get them? cheers ant
  3. that's just asking for a whitey or that was always what happened to me when i mixed them! ruined a good few days drinking by smoking a joint lol but I never learnt
  4. Hope the old man makes a full recovery mate! Just goes to show how easy it can all go wrong! Atb to you both
  5. My little brother was on about selling his? If you've got the slot on your ticket I'll ask him mate?
  6. Done lots up the lakes, quite a bit in Scotland and a week in Wales mate, we've been away for 2 weekends in the last 12 months and it's just not getting used mate. It's never failed us since we got it in 2014 and is genuinely a good little bus. I would keep it but there's a lot more room where we are going and I'm think that I'll just get a caravan,
  7. only a few miles from heysham, so not a million miles away mate.
  8. Just seen this lol mine an old merc 307d 1981 only done 30 something k. Needs a bit of tarting up inside and out tbh but the chassis and engine are sound! Will take £2k for it but no less so don't ask lol we're moving soon and it's not really practice to take it with us. Forgot to say it's a 5 berth.
  9. I'm gonna be moving to Scotland shortly and just realised, wtf do I do with my airgun? I'll have to contact the police to change address anyway as I have shotguns, but will I need an fac for my airgun up there? If so I'll be applying for deer legal Calibre also so it's not necessarily a bad thing lol just wondered what the procedure is? Cheers ant
  10. Baseball cap from Aldi with a light in the peak. Always have it on when out with the dogs. Apart from that I got a Bluetooth beanie just before Christmas and it's great just jogging along with dogs listening to a bit of tunage
  11. I was looking forward to watching deep water horizon! I was ion one just before Christmas very near to where piper alpha used to be. The alarms went off and it wasn't just a muster! I won't say it was a fire as they don't like that, but there was rather a large amount of "excess smoke" shall I say! We were down by the life boats and I don't mind admitting I was panicking a bit lol lucky the fire team did a great job
  12. But does anybody on here have, or know of a rural property to rent long term within an hours drive of Grangemouth Scotland? That will take dogs? I've basically been offered a new job and need to move, but it's gonna take a while to get my house sold etc Cheers ant
  13. im a jack of all trades but a master of none lol i can do anything it just depends what standards your after lol
  14. my local butcher minces it all and sells it 45p/lb bag or something? i get 25 bags for a tenner so what ever that works out at lol
  15. air gun ant


    im good thanks jok, sorry to hear you've not been to good? I'll pm you later mate
  16. I no a lad that's well in to it and making a few quid.
  17. air gun ant


    I think? if I remember correctly
  18. air gun ant


    it is for observation purposes, but not for shooting
  19. Are they ok? Up to the job I mean, bones and everything? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B004EEGQAQ/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_328_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=96KX5XY02W45KEW10TC9&dpPl=1&dpID=31pikf9Gn9L
  20. thats supposed to say CAMO not camp! Lol
  21. Not really done much coursing, but what's meant by the term boxing?
  22. Nobody should have to deal with that shit at work. I think they should be allowed to carry tasers and if sombody starts kicking off they can just zap them till they shit themselves, then see if they want to carry on being a dick.
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