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air gun ant

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Everything posted by air gun ant

  1. ha ha, it need a hell of a lot of tidying up mate, its the same size again over to the right but its just been used as a dumping ground, broken glass and rubble everywhere, they even dig a massive hole and just been dumping the household waste in it in stead of taking up the road to the wheelie bin. theres a lot of work to do beleave me. and yeah, me and my flymo are gonna struggle a touch lol
  2. It sounds like its bigger than mine. My back garden is the size of my kitchen. It sounds like its bigger than mine. My back garden is the size of my kitchen.My new ones not to bad lol
  3. i had a look at the local auction before and there's a poultry sale later this month?
  4. ha ha jok, I no the routine lol I used to have half a dozen silkies in my back garden but neighbours put a complaint in to the council about my cockerel (terraced house lol) and then I was given a goose egg to eat, I just chucked it under the hens and the bloody thing hatched! lol I don't no who was more shocked, me , the neighbours or the bloody chickens! Lol
  5. If your employed it's 40p per mile for the first 10,000 miles then it drops to 25p per mile. If your employer pays you less than than these rates you can claim the difference from hmrc. Home to work doesn't count tho, but you can claim an extra 5p per mile for A passenger (could be 1 or 3 you still only get 5p) form is p87 or you can claim online just google it.
  6. Wife will no mate she's an accountant, I'll ask when I get home
  7. it was the excitement that set my terriers off fatman too
  8. as above really, moved to a new house and want to get a few hens for eggs and hopefully get a few broody and stick some strange eggs under them lol is there a stop or anything because of this avian flu? or can you still just go get some at auction? thanks ant
  9. Ha ha ha! Wtf is going on in this thread!?!? I cant believe I missed this the first time around lol
  10. what do you carve them with griff? a dremmel type thing or one of them proper carving machine things? (been thinking of getting one of them for while lol)
  11. is that 1.5 miles from the registered address or 1.5 miles from your furthest patch of land? as I think there is a similar rule for running a farm truck on red diesel isn't there? some thing about x amount of miles from your farthest patch of land? but I may be wrong lol
  12. my old terrier had a fit when I came home from work one day, I panicked like hell and then it went away, so I was like you and in two minds wether to take her to vets? I came home the day after and the same thing happened, so I waited for our lass to come home and when she did, the dog did it again. thought right vets, got her to the vets and she did it again on the waiting room floor, and again as we were leaving her there over night. got a call from vets in morning that she had another at 2am and when they checked in the morning she had had another and died. I was totally wounded that dog wa
  13. If he was cleared he shouldn't be having to pay a penny surely?
  14. don't think the law lends itself to us doing it like that, tho im sure it probably does happen
  15. stage 4 for me to mate, got a nice little river running next to the new house so brownies on the dry fly for me this year I think? ive always been a sea and course fisherman with just a dab at fly fishing here and there but I can see me doin much more of that from now on.
  16. Good on the old fella! He could hardly stand there and give em a slap could he. But I do think he meant to hit the guy in foot lol old boys like that don't miss much! I think he knew exactly what he was shooting at! Ha ha
  17. we did some saddleback x old spot a few years back and they were outstanding! but got a bit attached and kept them a tad to long as you do lol there was about 2" of fat at least! might see if I can do one or 2 at this new house when I get the field sorted out.
  18. lovely work griff!!! that looks really well mate. bit steep for me because ill either never use it for fear of losing it or ill lose it first time out lol but that is a cracker! well done mate sure it wont be around to long. atb ant
  19. got one of amazon for £70 mate, not sure if its up to the job but we shall see! if not ill butcher it and make a decent one
  20. that's awesome! I remember the first time I lambed a sheep, I wasn't as calm as that little girl and I was about 15yr old lol credit to the little girl and her parents.
  21. Love watching sheep dogs work and it really impresses me when you you get one that can work awkward cattle to. They really do need balls and be able to switch back to sheep without being to hard with them.
  22. Or does anybody have a link for anything else? Cheaper or better? http://www.uktraps.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=51 Also does the collarum count as a snare in Scotland? As in do I have to do that course and register etc?
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