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Everything posted by darren67

  1. really,really sorry mate i now its hard but keep you chin up
  2. best of luck and :welcomeani:
  3. i would say a deep tunnel by the sound of it but if its in wet ground it could be a nest,dig into the hill there will be tunnels in it and dry grass in the middle you will now then if it is a nest or not
  4. the chest,pick it up span the terrier just behind the front legs of the chest with two hands your thumbs touch and your two bg finger touch its spannable
  5. fair play mate for giving it a go get them out as often as you can and keep us posted
  6. middle of april onwards nice sunny days sunnig out side rhe earth round ower way
  7. the mans in hunt service,i think he knows what hes about :clapper: :clapper:
  8. imo i think its you that does not know shit about the history and development of the working terrier all you can see is want you see today i think you will find out your wrong go back centurys before your harcombe,gould or jp before you start spouting shit
  9. so you have bred off her before shes ready, ran her while unfit till she yaps and now your gonna get rid of her because you cant solve the problem YOU have caused!! :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: and your a bigger :wankerzo4: I seen her run when my mate had her and she was fine but [bANNED TEXT] i bought her of him i asked him if she was pregnant and he said no and she showed like she wasn't pregnant and then she stared yapping, then she dropped the littler your back tracking now mate ibet your one of them all the gear no idea
  10. dont skin it like a rabbit as its hard to get the skin off make you cut down the back bone as you get nearer the tail y off fair easyer gut last
  11. put a board up and shreaded paper i wont be able to pull that out
  12. ive been looking for a border for earth work for ages cant find one if any one keeps them pm me darren
  13. round keilder is like that no light pollution (northumberland)
  14. a hedgehog says to the rabbit , how do you cross the road at night with out getting ran over the rabbit replays its easy when you see the light coming you line yourself up to the middle of the lights, the rabbit say watch sees the light comming lines himself up crouches down and the car goes right over the top of him then he goes back to the hedgehog and tells him to try so the hedgehog sees the car coming lines himself up crouches down and squash the rabbit turner round an said that was unlucky you dont get meany three wheelers on this road
  15. the Local chemist No joy they said they would try the manufacturer, again and said they had been trying for about 5 weeks (( LONGTOWN PHARMACIST not far for you border lad the lady said that was there last batch
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