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Everything posted by kellyxxx

  1. Maybe I shud of mentioned my stud is a racing grey. Maybe I shudnt of said owt. Looks like the lurcher world is completly different. Iv only ever been envolved in greys and thought it might apply in some ways but maybe not. But this is why I'm on hear to learn. Sorry.
  2. sussexpoacher asked for ideas so i gave him an idea that worked for me. might not work everyone but im not the sort of person to post somthing saying sumone is mad. it seems to have worked for my lad and all though hes not proven yet as he this takes years hes still seeing quite a few bitches. just an idea
  3. [bANNED TEXT] I was introducing my stud I would charge a daily fee for the time the bitch was in my care for mating and then ask for a dog and a bitch depending on litter size bk at 12 week. This way you can sell the pups and act as if that's ur stud fee.
  4. Hi my names kelly and I'm 22 and I'm in to greyhound racing and breeding and I'm also the new owner of my first plummer terrier who I'm hoping will help with our rat problem, so if anyone has any advice or tips about the breed and ratting would love to hear.
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