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Everything posted by Oildriller

  1. Required...six spent .243 brass cases and six spent .17 cases. drop me a note with details please. Thank you.
  2. Required...six spent .243 brass cases and six spent .17 cases. drop me a note with details please. Thank you.
  3. Hello there, from Montrose but live in Swansea, are you ever down that far...will pay cash. take care.
  4. Not into praying Martin...but after reading this will say a few words for him, hope he pulls through, you were also lucky. take care.
  5. At first I thought it was a B.S.A. Sportsman 15. as I had one long time ago. Some of them shooting magazines have experts who will tell you all about it.
  6. You might have to have a ham radio licence to use it so take care you do not get found out, that would only be to transmit not to receive. Have used them on the rigs but it was the radio operators job... all then three digit numbers are frequencies ... its a bit deep if you are not into it.
  7. Hello there, have a look on the internet as you do get professional boil suckers...LoL.
  8. Required 25 fox snares Swansea Area.
  9. Gun safe as new for two shot guns, £60. South Wales. now have three guns so must go.
  10. Hi, would go for Beetle, worked in Libya for ten years saw them all the time, I know snake tracks as I looked for them all the time.
  11. Hello Mate, the cause of this will be Field Mice, they will get the bait and are to light to set off the trap....had the same problem. try corn on the cob.best of luck and take care.
  12. Hi will give you £30 posted for the 32 snares. GV.
  13. Hello there, send me your email address as I am interested, scottyboy21@talktalk.net thanks Gary V.
  14. Hi, have you had a look on British Blades Forum. plenty of hints and tips there. all the best.
  15. Hi, I like them rabbit traps as they catch cats as well.....like in the back garden.
  16. Hi boy, I started out like you long time ago ... you have a lot to look forward to ...enjoy it. take care and welcome, Oildriller.
  17. Hello there, I get this mag each week and find it a good read, value for money ..what mags do you like mate ???
  18. Well said mate.....its about time they helped themselves, they give us nothing...but take all.
  19. Hi there, let the brain click in before the mouth, think first, you must be doing something wrong....... I was also young and Gung Ho at one time but as you grow older you see the world in a different light. Do not upset people.....so hope I have not upset you ...just a bit of advice. take care buddy. Oildriller.
  20. Hello there, you have the same interests as me ... mink. South Wales is my area where are you. take care.

  21. Hello There, a good rub up with a wire brush ... spot of cooking oil on joints if required.
  22. It's a standard bobwire door trap - with a door in each of the wooden ends. What's missing in this picture is the top and the sides. The whole thing is built to be folded away. If you click on where it says 'Take Down Pigeon Trap' in the first topic theres a thread all about it. But as an aside look at this - just when you think you've cleared the bloody magpies ....... Hi, where do you get the ...bobwire doors...from. Oildriller
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