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brendy mc l

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Everything posted by brendy mc l

  1. yeah p king has a lot to do with the breeding years ago but to say the stuff now is his would be a bit to far unless u by it from his yard
  2. speedie the dvd u watched was the fella holding a red dog and he was saying he would run anyone in the county of dublin
  3. speedie wats so funny about captains bitch having sligo express in it both ways
  4. wats er showing captain dont no the fella
  5. much is it in to the show pm me if u like
  6. beef brown bread and meal keep it well wormed out
  7. your right there speedie u need that bit of luck hoping for a bit my self all the best speedie
  8. well speed fancy your self do ya will be bit crac for yas ill try get my part of r show on vid paddyd uj called that bitch fly
  9. well speedie how u fancy your self in the show ted a good age now win this and thats u top dog down there again lol
  10. she a fawn bitch cant remember her name
  11. lads im not trying to put n boys bitch down but i watched a dvd with that bitch on it and kils plenty of hares but it also stops 2 or 3 times on it at sheep wire and hedges surely theres not men out there can watch there dogs do that and keep them in there yard no chance i dont care if its killing this and that each to there own thats all im saying
  12. ill put one of the da on ill take a pic when i go up to my mas later on he getting on now 8 year old and still thinks hes 2y old
  13. the da them pups is one hard dog seen him do his first fox at 9m and it eat fook right out of him not a peep out of him in fact i dont think that thing has ever let a yap out of him no brains
  14. who owns the black one captain nice one
  15. wats the breeding in them mate nice youngens
  16. f**k me mate that wee bitch must be about 18ins handy wee tool for the bunnys
  17. mate my bro and his mate r breding a litter they be born very soon next week or 2 there in ireland if that any good to ya
  18. a friend of mine had a bitch years ago never hunted a day in her life till she was near 2 1\2 best bitch he ever had if its in them it will go
  19. lets hope its going to b warm tomorrow more of anexcuse to drink
  20. one more sleep then going to have the best of crack tomorrow with all the lads at the show men from sligo england and other parts going to be a great day hope the rain stays away first round on the mod tommy c cold harp for myself
  21. not long now lads and it will be here have to new ones for this season cant wait here is one of them this one has had a lot of weeks hunting last year caught a few last season high hopes this season for him fingers crossed
  22. just pick the first one over to u pups r pure luck and hard work getting them right
  23. well done j bring the confidence up in him or her atb brendy
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