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brendy mc l

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Everything posted by brendy mc l

  1. got a bitch that i bred back of a friend all that was done with her up untill 18mths she was just walked up the roads well i i gave her 3 hunts backend of last season to get her started then she came into season and the hunting season was over so seen nothing to this season well she is 2 now and she chasing all right but sometimes when in the course u can see her when pulling up in to the big rabs u can notice her holding back as if she just does not no what to do with them so i doulbe her up with one of my other dogs to get her teeth into a couple try and bring her on wat yours opioion on her
  2. never been rained of in your life artful lol
  3. fucksake let me do 3\3 never mind 9\9 or 11\11 lol only joking fair play to these men some dogs
  4. a wee beddy whippet will keep the size down and there a good wee dog for moouching and a good coat on them for the cold days
  5. blue pups a cracker there all nice but the blue one would be staying thats for sure
  6. lost a few bits of land this year from people going on to it farmer nos it werent us but all the same its lost but on the bright side i got 3 new bits so f**k the c**ts that went back iv got better permission now than ever 2 weeks it will be getting the malaky cant wait
  7. cheers mate must keep that in mind thanks for the invite atb brendy
  8. played a football tornament over in whitley bay 14 years good old spot that
  9. get rid of it it will never stop soon enough she will be picking her run jmo
  10. started of well enough black dog killed 4 so far then last week done stoppers and cut leg otherbitch just out of heat start her this week give her a run or 2
  11. well donecaptain mate when u getting me down for a run that looks good land for a spin
  12. hate that people going back on to land they no its someone elses iv a few to watch out for my self people i used to hunt with dont no if they have been back but the framers wil be getting asked each time im on
  13. well done lads kept me out of trouble alright
  14. nice bitch mate atb with her wat age is she
  15. mixed bag its hard to no iv seen dogs that can kill hares and would yap every now and then but i dont like it my self the wee mates dog does it now and then but she not lacking in working the hare
  16. whats your personal opioin on dogs yaping is it keeness or is it fustrasion or wats your view on it some people dont like it some dont mind it i myself would not like it get ya caught on lol
  17. thats confidence for ya thats it big e go for gold
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