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brendy mc l

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Everything posted by brendy mc l

  1. trunk put him behind the van and jog him behind it for a few miles at about 10 12 mph gets them really fit and tightens there feet
  2. anno t there greaty c**ts hope they can catch to help feed them lol have mine on recorder was holden one while the other was chaseing a rab the b*****d bit me on the hand and near bit the head of the brother lol busted me open
  3. same here t gave my 2 afew got them no prob both pups have diffrent running styles one more agressive than the other the fuckers would eat ya if you dont let them of lol
  4. pups looking well shotgun like that smooth red bitch all looking well timebombs hows your coming on give them any bunnies yet
  5. get a wee clip up tiger of the lucas pup
  6. yeah gamefair jet was saying he was coming up he going ask u and jacko
  7. maybe a small one wee private one 6 young dogs first season ill wait and see
  8. cap u coming up with jet to the show going to be a good squad going be a good laugh
  9. big pup that captain looking well the ole irish terrier coming through on him like that type
  10. watched slinky on dvd looked very good on the plough but looked if he was short of pace on the seed
  11. god help the stupid c**t goes out the back lol that would be fun to see he must be 28 tts
  12. yeah boarderscot i like to leave them about 2 mth with a wee bit of free running here and there then when it hit june jul aug its behind the van for 4 mile then up to 8 by aug with the high protein food again
  13. might enter it my self ill just wait to the rules go up and much it is sounds good and iceman no chance me running anything fook that
  14. think u would need a bottle of whiskey be for you would eat that shit jet you going to the show this year
  15. wat you planing to breed now thats some dog your bro has the grey x dutch shep
  16. well lads do use change your dogs food when season over by that i mean a lesser intake on protein red meats as there not doing as much work like to here your views i prefer a bit of tripe this time of year rather than beef
  17. at least they were trying jigsaw could of stood there watching better getting hurt trying than being half hearted
  18. thats rule one for me kc fucks them up big time
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