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brendy mc l

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Everything posted by brendy mc l

  1. the brother dog is as game as they come kills foxes with es very good at rabbits and has kill a right few hares stands about 27tts
  2. the brother has a dog there his grandfather was a straight deerhoundxweaton then they put that to a grey x weaton
  3. best of luck lofty wats red roosters breeding and running style
  4. 26 banter just a nice size as long as they do the stuff
  5. good length on the rough dog cap wats his wind going to be like that white dog in good order
  6. steve wats the breeding in that bill dog micky was asking me but im not to sure he ran a hare the other day for him well enough lost it around the fram yard
  7. give u a shout soon cap end of the mth may be c wat the lads want to do
  8. your right there cap there a tricky f****r in there alright cap was on another place today flater land some nice big fields Richie was on that spot last week seen a right few got a couple good runs ground was to hard when u bring me down there ill bring u to the other spot
  9. good run there cap for the young dog he was unlucky was out my self today had a few good runs for the young dogs as well the ploughs r soft but stubbles still frim and the green fields as well another 3 4 days of rain they be sound
  10. hammering down now lads in the north south ment to be getting a bit as well hopefully soften up for yas be 2 weeks before im out
  11. is that a casper bred bitch the mother to flathead
  12. yeah cap the lads were down at the weekend said it the worst its ever been im of for a few weeks till the missues has the wee one then back at it
  13. good start for him cap give him some confidence
  14. grounds rock hard that pups filled out well done banter
  15. well done cap the groujnd not hard down there
  16. yeah its like iron down south need a few weeks of rain
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