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brendy mc l

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Everything posted by brendy mc l

  1. its of lucas fucksake just need to look at it to no
  2. brendy what the name of the clipGive you a clue its coursing hares and a dog called luke lol cracker lol
  3. runs like your lucas that a good line I like it yeah john he looks a good one
  4. gorger theres a dog on utube called luke bred out of lucas wat was its mother he looks a good one
  5. sure course it u were telling him to keep the lamp on it llf
  6. bad habits always stick steve lol that was the cup for the pup comp ice,but i here you are back to lamping hares again ,thats bad mate
  7. well timebombs use out to day u get any runs for the pups
  8. well done lads big e were u get the oxygen tank for her to run that long that bitch has not left the back in about 10 mth hope she goes well for ya
  9. yeah both done well jimmy hows your team getting on hows gregs dog bred tiger
  10. looks like it has plenty wind though it would of been faster comeing from dvd bitch she looked sharpe dog run well wat age is gregs dog
  11. lt were do u find these hares the ones I hunt be in and out of the ditch first chance they get every hare u seem to run stay out in the open your a right lucky f****r wats the best thing for a knocked toe
  12. I think a pup at 6 weeks old is not worth 500 pound 250 plenty even if there best of breeding
  13. nancy go on to the topic I started called stoppers theres a link on there all diff kinds
  14. cap got a set of stopper pads for my dog u should try them for your bitch seem to be spot on
  15. get my own wee cam on thu ill have out on sat try my best but it will take a while to get use to it hopefully get a few clips treble handed if use don't mind lol
  16. fair play to ya jimmy for saying u would run doubled up a bit I also do it if your not seeing the hares and it near the end of the day the 2 of them r away they wont get fit on the lead if plenty about then yes run them single that's the best test for the dog but u can still get a good double handed race
  17. was your brothers 2 dogs not on a hare the other day louth tiger p k should choose his words carefully he at the game a long time to be making cheap remarks like that if u hadent got that cam tiger none of them men would have there dogs on cam the thing is they all don't hunt with u every week so they prob double there own dogs up when they go to u for a hunt they no the cam going to be there so one dog it is for the day
  18. Great run and a great hare bitch done very well to catch it fair play
  19. Well the only thing i got was a good soaking seen a few but never got the brakesthe mate got one an ritchie had a good 2 min race
  20. Out myself tiger wete u going ill stay close by
  21. Great run the full bred can fairly shit ran very well
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