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brendy mc l

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Everything posted by brendy mc l

  1. sf who told ya them 2 were gentlemen lol brenna some crack
  2. well wats his breeding then never mind the owner if he prefer to stay in back round no harm in that man that owns dont want no publicity i just put it on to annoy him
  3. well banter wats the big secret about this radar dog wat way is he bred or who owns the dog
  4. well done mate hope he goes all the way for ya
  5. good photos banter who owns that dog in the photos what way he bred
  6. was that a young hare banter looks small
  7. No control over that hare at any stage that was flying waving bye bye to dat dog did the dog stop at the end crap when that happens to any man but better noing than not is wat i say
  8. have to keep a good eye out eye now days never no whos watching
  9. yeah that young dog be a gooden next season 2nd year they always get better get him over your cream bitch in few years I take a pup lol
  10. going to take mine out on sat if the memory card comes on time try and get a few clips had one out befor when hunt was over then I though of the cam lol
  11. yeah good bitch that plenty speed always trying to kill fair play tm
  12. Day f**k then tiger that pup coming on well captain
  13. Well shotgun use get a hunt at the weekend
  14. banter listen to the vid the fella says its only his second season killed 50 his first season so I don't think hes 8 year old
  15. yeah he a right c**t ill be back on there soon enough lol
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