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Everything posted by terrier410

  1. meindl for me but we all love our own.? :tell what i have learnt over the years dont go for high boots better off with a good pair of gaiters when needed.
  2. Thats a cracking deal that.Worth noting if you want more throw go for a light with a smooth reflector rather than the textured/orange peel reflector.If you want any info on lights of any kind,reviews,beam shots,try the candlepower forum.Worth having a look anyway & you dont have to be a member.
  3. this time of year i exercise my hounds in the forestry a lot and come across a lot of dead shrews (seen 2 today)that makes me think that nothing will eat them this time of year but they are chewed up so somethings nabbed them.? the hounds sniff em for less time than they do a strange turd so maybe inpalatable maybe a quick google would confirm this.?i'm pissed so can't be arsed what about you lads.?
  4. xenon it is and heres a link if anyone can be arsed but for the price it is awesome£41 i think and look it up in usmc same thing exactly.£150 i also have a smaller one that runs on 2 3v rechargables(cant be arsed lookin up the batt no)but do cameras £40 in usmc and£20 delivered with batts and charger from china http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Solarforce-L600-600-Lumen-Xenon-Torch-w-Mount-RSP-/280280447215?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Camping_LightsLanternsTorches#ht_2062wt_1137as good as 4dd maglight and fits in the palm of ya hand li-ion batts get onto ebay lads and this comes with a kit for ya slug gun to.
  5. batteries do not have memories you numpty try totaly discharging your battery , by wiring a low wattage bulb to it , car sidelight or indicator bulb would do . then try charging it with a good quality slow charging charger for a good 16-20 hours . then see how you get on .. worked for me :db:i think that thay do.. :db:look on the box:thumbs: yes they do a battery does not have a memory ... it will start acting LIKE it as a memory if you never discharge it .. by this i mean if you constantly charge a battery from half full it will only take a half charge all the time un
  6. cheers mate not kept them for 8 yrs so feelin a bit spazzy on it so much info about now that sez yay and nay i did work a hob for about 10 yrs and i remember stickin a jill with him even tho i put food seperatly i think he either starved her or shagged her to death.? my niavety in me 20s still feel guilty but not suicadal
  7. will 2 hobs from the same litter live together for working and for life ok then.?
  8. batteries do not have memories you numpty try totaly discharging your battery , by wiring a low wattage bulb to it , car sidelight or indicator bulb would do . then try charging it with a good quality slow charging charger for a good 16-20 hours . then see how you get on .. worked for me :db:i think that thay do.. :db:look on the box:thumbs: yes they do a battery does not have a memory ... it will start acting LIKE it as a memory if you never discharge it .. by this i mean if you constantly charge a battery from half full it will only take a half charge all the time un
  9. how do ya fancy morroco!!! or WALES!!!!! ya eu does'nt cover ya here.
  10. cheers Mc thankyou. :thumbs:that was the first one before i called him over he is a total bully but nice to feed i always have a bit of fruit left.
  11. Exactly! My theory is they were re creating the lift scene from dirty dancing, on the balcony, drunk as skunks . . . . School boy error, everyone knows the best place to practice lifts is in the water! just read [bANNED TEXT] i rote [bANNED TEXT] a cock
  12. just read the thing 3 foot wall thing if you can fall over that you are an acrobat cos me hounds don't do it over me shed gate.?
  13. have travelled meself no insurance no cry carib and central america recently gotta be on top.
  14. with no other insurance i'm not bein funny but online wse've been able to get decent insurance for £10 each its not great but it covers most things,i hope people on here head this as a warning and the card covers you for fck all just gettin you back home.not hossy cover get insurance lad cheep but vital.
  15. It's all arse about face, isn't it ? Some bloke got 8 years in jail last month for selling a stolen first edition of Shakespeare, yet when i lived in Warton three young lads got drunk and kicked to death a gentleman of the road. The heaviest sentence of the three was only 8 years. I just don't get the parity. just had a few cans lad and if we could talk openley on the british justice system. lads have had less for kickin in a bloke outside his own house if we the general public stuck together we could sort the yobs out by goin round to there house and sorting the parents out(not all)ob
  16. diify thing but same type mate hunting on private land with air rifle was reported as man with gun by people walking also on private land with no permission:outcome helicopter and armed response called lad had hopped back into back garden by the time they got there but village was overun we know cos small village and bizzzies walkin round asking have you seen lad with gun.commical if not true.
  17. ive a EU health card, never used it, its free though. will dig it out, wonder if its still in date lol everyone should have one check it lad ten years i think and we've just done ours
  18. so she should of had insurance like we all have to have in this country before we travel abroad which is normally checked at sign in no diss to you clint but we have nothing to learn in this country about helping people you pay your do's you get what's coming to you. (although there are a lot who have paid nothing and still expect to be treated like royalty).
  19. you have burnt it out you only charge a battery for 10 hrs an they will last u years It depends on the amperage of the charger. Most trickle chargers are only millamps and can quite easily take a day or so to fully charge a battery, depending on size Kyle there are chargers out there that you can keep a battery linked up to as long as you want(better than trickle charger) try adapting a decent 12V cordless charger or even a decent car charger with motorbike function and intelligence times have moved on lads no dissy intended and anyone with a fckd ni.cd battery pm me i may
  20. sorry Mc was meant tongue in cheek but reckon he could pick up a moggy sleepin on a garage.
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