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Everything posted by fmwtc

  1. first rounds on you then second and thirds on fell type then the rest on orion lol
  2. fair play if its your job i have shifted hundreds of foxes and cubs in my years but to post pictures of it on here asking for a big slap on the back makes me spew as for arsehole and people fighting for me firstly i didnt ask for them to go out there and also they arnt fighting for me there fighting to keep the yanks happy and secure political relations with ball bag obama yes i agree there brave for being there but they signed up for it its there job
  3. well worth attending even if the judge is a dodgy one
  4. had one from as soon as they come out now have three collars and two boxes including the new rechargeable one spot on mate never been let down by them and have given them a good testing every weekend and through the week since we had it not sure how long must be four five yr id say well worth the investment or if you win our show you can have one for free lol
  5. yes the 22nd is a tuesday but this thread is two years old love check out the scarview foxhound show thread put up by true saxon that is the real date not the 22nd like is stated on this en good luck
  6. ive worked the dam all season and the sire has been fully tested it was an accidental mating but will make excellent dogs in the right hands id say good luck with em woods and your more than welcome mate
  7. your not called alan are you mate he sells plenty of hounds lol each to there own like old dog said better to breed for your self and give to other like minded men that way you can all see what you have goti have a full kennel of hounds here and the only thing they cost me was fuel just give a full litter of lurchers away to money isnt always the b all and end all
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7797376/Cumbria-shooting-police-hunt-gunman-after-several-shot-dead.html
  9. probably a gypo copme mad at appleby fair lol havent heard anything yet scent but ill make sure our lass goes shopping
  10. well cheaper than a spray collar anyways, anythings worth a try like, thanks for the advice jenna, atb Nicole. tried the water treatment and it works i have also used the electric shock collars that works too but some it will not work on wat ever method tried i have just sent one to a farm i have due to it making too much noise and the neighbours complaining hopefuly he will quieten down once work starts nowt worse than a noisy dog
  11. try gogling silverline they look the same shovel and probbly cheaper
  12. i have heard of emly dogs they are all dr,s old stuff form ireland wether its the same ones or not
  13. but did your mate do the decent thing and pick a worker over the show pony even if the dog in question wasnt perfect our show i saw dogs picked out that were wrong in certain places over perfect show specimens because they looked to off worked its a working show for working dogs obviously a judge can only judge wat is infornt of him but when faced with a non working terrier and a worker he should plump for the worker every time i judged a few this yr and last and i picked workers first every time as i expect form our judges on the day
  14. kev we give terriers 0.5 mill and hounds up to three mill dependent of weight of em i havent give it any pups id just stick with normal gear for them mate ill bell you later
  15. get a metal can ie like an old style 5 litre oil can and pierce it with holes with a sharp instrument like a big ish knife the holes need to be big enough for an eel to get in fill it with cat food or fish heads anything smelly tie the can by the handle with blue pull rope and throw out into river pond whatever you want the trick is the eels go in but the sharp edges on the inside prevents em gettin back out ideal way of catching em if you want a few for pot but like earth and others say if for sport there way is better on a good night you will fill the can easy as long as there is eels. about
  16. excellent read i go with catfishcapers well worth a trip we have had em up to 186 lb and carp to 38 reccomend it to any one
  17. fair play people i have sent this message throughout the working dog world by email and forums and i have had positve feedback all agreeing to do it there is only a few that wont and there replies have come from here a true working dog man or woman will stand up for what they believe just like our gallant little workers.
  18. http://www.countryside-alliance.org.uk/contact/countryside-alliance-general-enquiries/
  19. this was taken form the profile of the no vote poach it cook it eat it f**k the antis keep huntin lads and keep fighting for the right for me to work my dogs while i sit at home and do nothing
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