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Everything posted by rabbitracer

  1. Is benji available for stud? who has him ? could someone pm me please, many thanks yes mate benji is at open stud.mj owns him Thanks for that who is mj please ? cant post his name but wont be hard to find out Could you give me a clue please ?
  2. Is benji available for stud? who has him ? could someone pm me please, many thanks yes mate benji is at open stud.mj owns him Thanks for that who is mj please ?
  3. Is benji available for stud? who has him ? could someone pm me please, many thanks
  4. I posted on this subject a week or 2 ago in Deer pre ban , it is possible i have seen it , if a stag and and a dog are running at pace and the dog takes the stag by the hock with momentem it will tumble .An expierenced dog will then have a chance to throat it. This clip just shows the bravery and detemination some dogs have .............
  5. "Dump it or shoot it" - Very Nice, good publicity for coursing that.
  6. An old saying ive had said to me many times is " start them early finish them early " which i tend to agree with but there is exceptions to this rule , does luck and exceptions fall in the same catagorey ? Personally it is my belief if you think anything of your dog it shouldnt be running hares at 11 months old . Best of luck with it anyway.....
  7. Some good advice allready , time and patience is the key with any dog , my old whippet collie would trip rabbits with his feet but not pick them up , he did this for a month or so of regular lamping , eventually i fed him him nothing but whole rabbit for a fortnight and after that he never let another 1 go. He was 17 months when i got him and had never done a thing .
  8. Yep it is possible for a single dog to take 1 of these , not my dog but the sire to my b1tch was deer/grey x saluki/grey 30 1/2 " tts and i watched him do it a few years ago the stag followed the hinds and was pulled with great style if he had stood for the dog he would have smashed him up without doubt but once they run half the battle is won , he was held for a good 20 secs before another dog was slipped to help , not an easy task by any standard but very true Fair play to that dog, but holding a stag for twenty seconds doesn't constitute taking it single handed in my book. Also
  9. Yep it is possible for a single dog to take 1 of these , not my dog but the sire to my b1tch was deer/grey x saluki/grey 30 1/2 " tts and i watched him do it a few years ago the stag followed the hinds and was pulled with great style if he had stood for the dog he would have smashed him up without doubt but once they run half the battle is won , he was held for a good 20 secs before another dog was slipped to help , not an easy task by any standard but very true
  10. As riohog said tape them up , a bit of vet wrap will do nicely http://www.horseactive.co.uk/index.php/horse-first-aid-supplies/horse-bandages/vetrap-bandage.html?gclid=CNHb2IuxpKcCFQoZ4QodmESeBA
  11. Sorry to hear about pup mate thats rotten luck , hows ronnie doing now hes the pup out of colt isnt he ?
  12. I keep terrier x lurchers and saluki x longdogs , I wouldnt x the 2 , they both do different jobs , my lurchers may keep with my saluki x for a minute maybe 2 on a good day but then its all over for them and the saluki x can go on for 4-5 mins and do it several times in a day , y would you want to x the 2 unless it was to put a little more wind into a bull or terrier x lurcher, certainly no help for bigland longdogs.
  13. snowy is out of jamies jack and hazel jack is out of merlin eve beany lines to a saluki suess hazel is out of hippy ians ruth merlin eve lines to nuts casper witch is out of foxy to pure saluki decon Would casper be from the same litter as shearer out of foxy to deacon ?
  14. This is bow gt gt grandson to seagull , Benji is grandsire both sides of his breeding
  15. Reckon that should read Mr C Hickling judging terriers , a couple of good dog men u got there btw
  16. I have a striker variable and the vari power is easy to use just roll it with ur thumb i am now getting a blitz head coz the striker is under powered at range but great for smallish field work.
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