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Everything posted by gunga25

  1. i work away and will not be home till friday i will pm u its a 177
  2. air ams s410 in mint condition with big scopes ,silencer ,debnham tracer gun lamp and real tree bag also has a gun pump with it open to offers ,do need some 15"off road tyres SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
  3. could do with a good set of 15" off road tyres
  4. open to offers or swaps air arms s410 10 shot in mint condition comes with large scope,silencer,and debnham tracer lamp x jack pyke gun bag also has bsa gun pump with the attachments for the air arms sorry its a 177 cal:)SOLD SOLD SOLD
  5. just like to say thanks for all the (good) comments fizz has now been buryd in the garden,least she is back where she belongs ...RIP LASS AND THANKS FOR ALL THE GOOD TIMES WE HAD TOGETHER
  6. Sorry mate know what ur going through. Lost our dog saturday night and found out last night she had been hit by a car and taken to the vets with spinal injuries. unfortunately we didnt have her chipped so they couldnt contact us so they had to get her put down. We have also had a wanka on our threads. Good job I dont know the guy.
  7. dont see how you work out its a stupid comment,it was a stupid thing the guy did working his spaniel at the side of a road with no recall Your a bit of a cock really arent u. (RIBB) Obviously you couldnt give a shit so why dont you not just piss off and dont leave any more comments. i just say it as i see it You havent seen owt. if you read all the threads you would have seen she was missing for 12 hours. Dogs can run a long way in 12 hours you scottish prick
  8. dont see how you work out its a stupid comment,it was a stupid thing the guy did working his spaniel at the side of a road with no recall Your a bit of a cock really arent u. (RIBB) Obviously you couldnt give a shit so why dont you not just piss off and dont leave any more comments.
  9. RIP lassyou will missed but never be forgot
  10. how the f**k not like dose your dog nevaget off its lead!dogs can run
  11. could u tell me where u seen the spanial mate

  12. thanks very much for that the radio thing sounds like its worth a try ,i tryed all the rest on sunday
  13. thanks mate ,i have tryd every 1 but still nothing yet but i am still hopeing she turns up but its looking shit
  14. it was mate i think thats wat has happend
  15. hi there just thought i would let you know wat happend at the weekend , i was out as norm with the spanial and thelurchers came to the end of the day and headed back to the jeep the spanial doing her norm through the bushes and long grass as we got back to the jeep the spanial was gone this was about 530 pm on sat ,we sat for about 30 min and she did not turn up so my brother styed at the jeep and i back tracked but could not find her i called a few mates with there lamps as it was getting dark by this time we searched till midnight and still nothing the next day soon as light broke we were ba
  16. thanks for all the advice i will give it a try ta lee
  17. there will be some there for u this weekend dave ,i hope any way .
  18. thanks dave they are coming on fine he is a bit bigger than johns and my brothers who has bonnie but think they are all going to be cracking dogs thanks for the addvice mate ,should have u some more bunnies this weekend going out with the gun ..
  19. this is my beddy whippit xgrey h deerhound he is 8 m old and is doing good
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