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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. i had 3 good areas to go at a few years ago, 2 have all but been wiped out by mixy and the 3rd has suppose to have been hit with this vhd, went out the other night and only seen 2 rabbits, i was expecting a good year this year aswell.
  2. as above have a wee look at the pinned section, i wouldn't bother to much about bike work yet, at 8 months it more about education than fitness imo.
  3. i got this stove 5 yrs ago, it's a 12kw and heats 11 radiators, all in it cost me just over 3k, best thing i ever got.
  4. Rightly, or wrongly, because of that we're no longer a fieldsports community. We're a collection of disciplines being picked off by a political agenda. I don't blame anyone for thinking that way, but while we all point the finger we lose something that the antis do have... Unity. 100%, i have always said that the antis have there house in order, where as we don't.
  5. thanks lads, don't fancy trying to carry that around
  6. do any of you lads make your own high seat, there is a good bit of ground that i have permission on to shoot fallow, although i have had 2 in the last couple of weeks it would be far better if i could get a high seat made up as the ground is mainly hazel woodland with a few 1 acre clearings, any pics would be a great help, thanks......john
  7. can u not read or what look at the last sentence ! misread the topic heading, i really shouldn't come on here after a few jars
  8. why would you want a "beginners dog" if you have had lurchers all your life?
  9. kenny dalgleish bobby lennox paul mcstay liam brady
  10. i have one out of sooty x sweep.
  11. But it will go to a vote. It's a cross party alliance, meaning all party's are interested in doing something about it, which is a good thing. Malt, good point and there's something in that for sure, but at least it's a positive step. Badger cull?...hounds hunting again? Brian May will be having sleepless nights Sorry I meant public vote, the country isnt ready for it and if put to joe pubic it will only go one way... this is where the pro-hunting groups should have there house in order, the antis certainly do.
  12. kranky by name kranky by nature, it's only the net ffs. edited to add, wtf is distance lamping.
  13. i wish there was roe over here. only have fallow and reds, although i have seen a muntjac in the area and there have been a few more reported sightings.
  14. is there anything that causes the white, inbreeding ect, or is it just the variation in colour that fallow have?
  15. most of the bucks round my area are either black or a very dark brown, i did see a white doe a couple of weeks ago on another permission, which is rare around these parts.
  16. well he did say he could do a man no probs.
  17. is it any wonder the dogs face is the way it is, that collar is way to tight.
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