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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. didnt know i could use mk3 collar with mk1 box Yep mk3 collar can be picked up up to about 10 feet with a Mk1 locator box . Some folk -including me- actually prefer that combination . t Good strong signal with combo sounds good enough for me,thanks. :thumbs:would any mk3 collar do,i see mk3m aswell
  2. didnt know i could use mk3 collar with mk1 box
  3. the bigger one may be boss but smaller one is def better worker.
  4. i would seperate them now just to be on the safe side.atb
  5. That idea would probebly work. I beleive that it was used so that rabbits would lie out in the bushes so they could be walked up and shot. The creosote may be difficult to get hold of though. you can get creosote in any hardware store
  6. i have 2 9 mth old hobs,for the past few days the larger one is grabing the other by the scruff and simulating mating,they are brothers and are kept in same hutch,is this them reaching maturity and should i seperate them or will i just leave as they are?there is no fighting between them.
  7. iam making nets out of spun polyester,you can get them in all different colours and they dont tangle like nylon.
  8. did you test finder inside your house or out ferreting,i tested my finder inside when i got it first and there seemed to be alot of interference with receiver but when tested outside it worked perfect.atb hope this helps.
  9. i have just recently got hold of a mk1 ferret finder+1 collar,i would like another collar does anyone know where i can get one or are they only sold along with finders,have tried ebay,for sale section and other web sites but no joy,i only have 2 hob ferret so would i really need 2 collars?thanks
  10. i have started to make my own nets,this is where i learned how to do it,be patient and be prepared to have sore fingers
  11. can anyone please put up a diagram or a link to a video on how to make a shaped purse net , iam only starting to make my own nets,at the moment iam making them 15 meshes wide x 15 long with each mesh 2 1/4 inches,shaped net would help save on material.thanks
  12. how much you wanting for mk1 and collars?
  13. this was inside the rabbit not outside. i you can get them inside too looks like rice pudding but smooth or lemon curd you can gat abcesses anywere on the body that is exactly what it was like mate,i was able to cut it of intact,do you think the meat would have been ok to eat and what would have become of the rabbit.sorry for all the questions
  14. I am on the island , and used to ferret a lot- still got some gear [and the knowledge] but no ferret at the mo. If you have a ferret i would take you out no probs. you can also learn alot from your mistakes
  15. interesting,now iam no biologist but where this ball was i dont think it was near the womb,maybe im wrong.
  16. this was inside the rabbit not outside.
  17. thats what i thought,never seen or heard of this before
  18. while i was cleaning out one of the rabbits i caught yesterday i came across a large ball like growth inside the rabbit,it was a bit smaller than a tennis ball,white and hard,when i cut it open the inside was a thick white liquid,about the same thickness as wallpaper paste,does anyone know what this is and would the rabbit have been ok to eat(i threw it away).thanks
  19. iam only a beginner and havnt got a finder yet,would a nylon cat collar be good enough they come in all sizes and colours?
  20. I haven't found that to be true at all. I feed mine before we go out and they will work for as long and as hard as necessary. A few kicks certainly won't put them off...if mine worried about a few kicks, hungry or not, then they probably wouldn't be the ferrets I would choose to work. Yes, each to their own. But I do not go ferreting without having had breakfast and I have to do considerably less than the ferrets, so I don't expect them to work on an empty stomach either. i went out today with my 2 new polecat ferrets,fed them a raw egg each at 6.30am and was on my permission at 8.45 ,
  21. my mate says he knows someone who gives them a raw egg in morning going out.
  22. i plan to be on my permission at 9 am so would 7 am be good enough?
  23. they are well handled dont mind being picked up,thanks for advice it really does help should i feed them in morning before they go out or wait till i come back?
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