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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. Sounds like you have a good bit of land to go on. Atb for the rest of the season.
  2. A tenner a rabbit, can you imagine!!! f**k me, I'd be breeding the c**ts farmers would be growing crops to feed them, more money in it Lol .Aye. Its hard enough getting permission. No chance lf there going for that price . ive no problem with permission mate, and anywhere im allowed go i look after the farmers by giving them a hand from time to time if they need it, in turn they tell the next lad the crack and you get more permission. it works both ways. they are making a tenner a go for years and anybody involved in ferrits, lurchers or greyhounds know the price of them. i know other l
  3. Yep good read and pics. I can only dream about numbers like that.if i get into double figures for the season i am doing well.
  4. A tenner a rabbit, can you imagine!!! f**k me, I'd be breeding the c**ts farmers would be growing crops to feed them, more money in it Lol .Aye. Its hard enough getting permission. No chance lf there going for that price .
  5. I was going to ask him the same. I am only guessing here, you have only had him a week? Edited to add, let me know who you are selling the rabbits to, a tenner per rabbit is not to be sniffed at lol.
  6. I really enjoyed reading that. You would want a lot of Patience round my way as well especially with this bloody weather lol. Is it common to see numbers like that out during day?
  7. I have a light force 140 with filter,its not the flip open type filter which is a pain in the arse, does any of you lads/lassies have any ideas on how to change a fixed filter into a flip open one. Cheers......john.
  8. Def the lurcher section for me. I find its mostly the coursing lads (not all of them) that are doing most of the bitching.
  9. if mine are that bad, they just get the garden hose.
  10. I have a young bitch here 2 1/2yrs old and she hasn't had a season yet, her dam was 3 or 4 I think before she had her 1st season and I know her litter sister hasn't had a season yet.
  11. I used to go in for all that weighing the dogs food malarkey, started doing my head in, just feed it what you think it needs, more exercise/work = more grub and vice versa.
  12. aye right baw, do you really expect us to believe that Shiite, we all know you don't have 6 mates.
  13. just a wee update from last season, this season I changed my ammo selection from sellier and bellot 100gr sp to Hornady 95gr sst, well what a difference, I have total confidence in the hornady and it is starting to show in my shot placements.
  14. aye the good old trusty budgie smugglers, waterproof aswell.
  15. I'm sure most of us were read books when we were at school, I can remember bookS called THE RUNAWAYS and THE FLIGHT of THE GREY GOOSE. both written by victor canning, I was having a wee look on amazon and I'm only after finding out they were part of a trilogy with the last one called THE PAINTED TENT ( I don't remember that one) I think I will have to buy them, what books do you remember when you were younger?
  16. I have 1 here that was gifted to me by a friend, the other 2 I paid peanuts for.
  17. watched it 3x, defo worth watching the 4th.
  18. keeping my eye open for a pair of zeiss on ebay, might get lucky.
  19. I love xmas, always have, can't wait to see my childrens faces on xmas morning, that's what xmas is all about, the children
  20. I have a pair of binoculars at the moment that aren't really up to much and was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction regards a decent ( not expensive) pair, I don't mind buying 2nd hand and would be looking to spend around 100, thanks......john
  21. what symptoms do the rabbits have?
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