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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. wrong material gill nets are monofilament not much use for longnets most gill nets are made from mono but i have seen braided aswell.atb
  2. if you do work her when she is in season make sure and give her a clean after.atb
  3. thanks trisha,but i can buy 400yrd for £88 new,cheers atb can't be bothered with all the cutting
  4. will do mate as soon as there done i will post some pics
  5. no reason why not,as long as there are no hobs working along with her.
  6. thanks longnetter,just checking out prices ect,going to have a go at making my own quickset longnets for next season.atb
  7. i have 2 cockers a bitch and a dog,the bitch was way easier trained and is very loyal,the dog is good aswell but is always trying to see how far he can push you,give him an inch and he'd take a mile.i have had all sorts of dogs over the years,jrt,mongrels,staffy and all have been bitchies.i just find the bitchies are more loyal than dogs.
  8. hi,was wondering if anyone has bought the 200yrd 6z sheet netting from b.brinded,if so is it any good for making long nets?
  9. mk1 8' collar takes 357 also known as lr44 batteries mk1 15' collar takes 393 also known as sr48 batteries hopes this helps,
  10. take batteries into shop and ask person behind counter,they should give you the proper batteries,thats what i done.
  11. hia mate you could get it mounted or stick it in a large sealed bucket pierce a few hole an buy a couple of pints of maggots theyle clean it up for you atb jb do you want to keep the head or are you wanting to get rid?
  12. wouldn't like to be putting damp and muddy nets in there.
  13. £200 quid for a pair of wellies i would,nt have thought so and im no farmer if there that nice to put on your little tutsise keep them because the cheap seats on here wont buy them £200 for a pair of fookin wellies give me my army hi ties any day
  14. i have a pair of army hi tie boots that i seen in a charity shop.I asked theman behind the counter how much he was wanting for them and he said if i gave him a tenner i could have them,couldn't beleive my luck,they had never been worn,i wear them when i go out ferreting,out with the dogs or just out moochin about,in all weather.They are tough and water proof if i keep putting dubbing on them ,and comfy,have had them 7yrs now and they have a good few yrs left in them yet.you can get them in any army and navy store,but should expect to pay around £40 for a new pair,well worth the money if you
  15. here's one i had knocked up a few weeks ago,it's 10"long 8"wide and 8" deep ,4 hindges,about 30x50mm screws , 2 hindge locks,2 snap pins tied onto locks so i can't lose them,1 sheet of 6mm ply and a seatbelt strap from an old car.knocked up in about 1hr,All at a cost of around 30 quid,still have enough ply to make another 3 or 4 double boxes.And it was my first time to make one.atb
  16. here's one i had knocked up a few weeks ago,it's 10"long 8"wide and 8" deep ,4 hindges,about 30x50mm screws , 2 hindge locks,2 snap pins tied onto locks so i can't lose them,1 sheet of 6mm ply and a seatbelt strap from an old car.knocked up in about 1hr,All at a cost of around 30 quid,still have enough ply to make another 3 or 4 double boxes.And it was my first time to make one.atb
  17. you probably won't get it for 20 pounds now,this was posted back in dec 2007
  18. <BR><BR>as said before,grab him by the scruff and lift him up,he should stay still long enough to have a look,think you should be handling him alot more if he is a bit "savage".how often is he being handled?should be every day or every 2nd at least so he can get used to you,then take him out.atb <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbs.gif"> <BR>
  19. cheers mate,never used a long net before so wasn't sure about the tangling,thanks
  20. yeah thats what i thought,same knott as i have been doing.
  21. yeah tiercel that would make more sense to break it down,i never thought of that,thanks,would you say 6z net would be adequate,i can get loads of hazel poles round my way,so would it just be the net and cord i would be looking for?oh i have just ordered LONGNETTING FROM PEG TO PEG.ATB I would not use 6z although a lot of people do and are happy with them. I would go for 4z the idea of the net is to tangle rabbits, the finer the net the lighter it is, and the easier it tangles rabbits. Once you read Martins book your first question will be answered also. TC i have some
  22. thought you had to double knot spun poly,i made a few a couple of weeks back and i double knotted,was told a single would slip
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