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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. i wish i did,the thought had already crossed my mind
  2. cheers, its class john cheers crocket
  3. iam after feeding them chicken wings and a raw egg,i only cracked a hole in the egg they will do the rest themselves,including eating the shell.
  4. the lads moving in to their new home
  5. i finally got my ferret pen finished today,
  6. thanks to all who answered,think i will try the gamebag instead of basket,atb
  7. The problem with long netting is that you cannot have it both ways. Each of the two mains ways of setting a net have their drawbacks. Apart from the lack of veristility of the pre-set net the main drawback is the basket that you have to lug around with you. That said, a 50 yard net is the same volume and weighs roughly the same weight, no matter what system you use. Each system has it's pluses and minuses it's up to you to decide what system suits you. But, without trying both you will never know. TC i see what your saying,but its not really weight iam bothered about its bulk,w
  8. does anyone know where i can get 2 oversized game bags?
  9. started an interesting topic there crocket,interesting to see how others feed their ferrets.
  10. don't like the idea of carrying a quickset basket around as most of the places i go ferreting i have to climb fences or go through trees and bushies. what would be the alternative and where can i buy. thanks
  11. iam sure it was rabbits blood,gave him a check,no marks on him only blood.
  12. If you don't like quality working polecat ferrets, without genetic health problems, don't look at em. Simples. The point i was making was that 'wanting to see different color ferrets in order to decide what color you want' isnt really the way to pick ferrets. I mean, we all have some color preferance (you obviously like polecats) but the first and foremost factor should be working ability and health, rather than color. At the moment there are several threads running that discuss which colors are 'better' and how to breed certain colors such as bew or silvers, its just a bit frustrat
  13. i was out a few days ago ferreting with my two hob poleys,they bolted a few between them,but on one of the warrens the smaller hob came back top after about 15 mins with blood on his face,now it's pretty obviouse that he has got hold of a bunny,but i wasn't sure what to do next,do i put him back down again and dig for rabbit.(he was wearing a collar).i don't like the idea of leaving a rabbit down the hole like that.Does it mean he has killed or is it possible he only injured bunny...... thanks
  14. i wouldnt be to bothered about colour,but more if my ferret came from working stock.colour is what it is COLOUR.
  15. Are you a man or a lady? man:- trying to find out about getting a lurcher but to many people telling me different. hope this site can sort out which breed i need its goonna be my first so aint got a clue!!!! you will get alot of people on here telling you different as well,but , you will also learn alot.hope you find a dog that suits your needs,atbif its your first i would go for collie x gh
  16. would that mean top line would be 6 inches from top of wand?
  17. cheers for that longnetter would that mean the top line would be around 6 inches from top of wand?
  18. i have just been out today and cut myself 60 hazel wands for a quickset that iam going to make for next season,my questions are,how long do i cut the wands , how far up the wand do i tie the bottom running line and how many wands for a 50yrd and 2 x25 yrd nets. sorry mods i have just realised i have posted in wrong section
  19. coarse fishing and sea fishing
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