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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. yep thats definetly a minnow,by any chance do you live near chernobyl
  2. he will need to be a midget to walk in that atb tj lol , a 4ft midget to be axact
  3. i know someone a few years ago fed their ferrets a hare found by the side of the road.next day the 2 ferrets were dead
  4. sounds like you got a real bargain there mate atb
  5. stops them getting out when you open door to go in shed looks like you have it done already
  6. is the white spots on the liver called fluke?
  7. if this dunt explain it then nothin is gunna!!!!! just to make it more confusing the mark 1 box only went to 8ft but when you used a 15ft callar you double the depth ie if it shows 4ft it is really 8ft if you had the 15ft collar on ?????? sorry i didn't know that an 8ft box could locate a 15ft collar at 15ft
  8. liver has alot of iron in it , to much isn't good for them
  9. go to top of page and click on calendar,i think there is one in april
  10. my cocker had the same problem last year,bought eye drops from the vet and applied once daily,(always in the morning when it was at it's worse)for 10 days,it never came back,can't remember what it was.
  11. i know there is no need to bleed rabbits,but because of his beliefs he has to do it that way,that was why i said not to hang for more than a day,the meat is tender enough,atb
  12. before gutting the rabbit it should be squeezed to get the piss out the bladder,i do this straight after killing the rabbit,this is done by holding the rabbit by the front legs,belly facing away from you,put your hand firmly around rabbits body and pressing your thumb on the rabbits belly and firmly run down the body,do this 3 or 4 times or until no more piss is coming out. I would then cut of head and hang for no more than a day,hope this helps
  13. i think you get the bow back using marine ply
  14. had these ferrets for a few months now,i had them in an ordenery hutch,but decided to give them the space to run around,here are some new pics
  15. i have a cocker that goes out with me ferreting,doesnt bother with the ferret and puts down rabbits,marks holes and will even chase but has never caught lol
  16. what after reading all the other posts you put up this tripe cmon i think he is taking the piss.
  17. didn't know brown trout season had started
  18. is that the quickset system you are using mate?they look nice healthy rabbits.atb
  19. sounds as if the wife hasn't kicked you out yet they always come round in the end,all the best with your new ferret and happy hunting.
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