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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. nice dog mate, looks alot like my young bitch, what x is she, cheers......john:thumbs:
  2. hi mate, i gave hughesrobert13 a copy of "PURDEYS PROGRESS" i'm sure if you pm him he would do you a copy.
  3. dont see how you work out its a stupid comment,it was a stupid thing the guy did working his spaniel at the side of a road with no recall Your a bit of a cock really arent u. (RIBB) Obviously you couldnt give a shit so why dont you not just piss off and dont leave any more comments. i just say it as i see it You havent seen owt. if you read all the threads you would have seen she was missing for 12 hours. Dogs can run a long way in 12 hours you scottish prick so as i read this dog ran off near a road you waited for 30mins before you decided to look for her a dog can
  4. sorry,yes lucky was the wrong way to put it,socialisation is what iv just been doing and have done so in the past always with good results Luck was the wrong way to put it your right, I felt you where selling yourself short your dogs success comes from the effort you put in If more people took the time with socialisation then their would be less problem dogs about. I agree with this although you may a feel a little gay sometimes it has to be done. the other day i was teaching recall with mine and some old ladys came past walking there little lap rats and were having a giggle at t
  5. sorry,yes lucky was the wrong way to put it,socialisation is what iv just been doing and have done so in the past always with good results Luck was the wrong way to put it your right, I felt you where selling yourself short your dogs success comes from the effort you put in If more people took the time with socialisation then their would be less problem dogs about. I agree with this although you may a feel a little gay sometimes it has to be done. the other day i was teaching recall with mine and some old ladys came past walking there little lap rats and were having a giggle at t
  6. maybe thats why there is so many rabbits there, nobody else want to lamp it, sounds a bit rough. Why not go there during the day a few times with the dogs and get yourselfs and the dogs used to the land, try and remove any dangers if you can and let the dogs and yourselfs get a mental note of the best and worsed areas to lamp, if it was me i would keep inexperienced dogs away from land like that as they are likely to get a bad injury or worse,cheers......john:thumbs:
  7. hi mate, i done the same as you with my pup, start of with kids cuddly toy then onto a rabbit skin stuffed with straw, sometimes she would bring back to hand and other times she would bring back beside/in front about 3ft away, but she would keep hold until i got it from her, done this from 8wks - 5mths then took her out ferreting and let her have a look and a feel of the rabbits in the net, when she got to 6mths old i would let her have a few "EASY" rabbits in the middle of the field, the first 2 or 3 she would catch and mouth then come back to me without the rabbit but after the initial exc
  8. better luck next time mate, he will learn from theses short outings, my wee bitch is 18 3/4 tts the last time i checked, which was about a month ago so she could be 19tts now,cheers......john:thumbs:
  9. best of luck with the dog and finding a babysitter:thumbs:
  10. best of luck tonight mate, let us all know how you get on, cheers......john:thumbs:
  11. yeah maybe tonight, weather is def a bit better than last night, see you later martin, cheers......john:thumbs:
  12. cheers mate, thats her in my avatar, she is 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy
  13. cheers patterdale666, she is showing good signs,cheers......john
  14. hi folks, decided to take my wee bitch out with the lamp last night for an hour, I have had her out ferreting with me for the last 2 mths and she has done well, scanned the 1st field and there was about 10 rabbits, but all were close to the hedge, got into the 2nd field and there were 6 rabbits, 2 of which were out a good bit from the hedge. I made my way nearer the rabbits, keeping close to the hedge with the wind in front of me, turned on the lamp and 1 was gone but the other was squatting, made my way over towards it and when i got to within 10ft it lifted and ran, molly had seen it and was
  15. mine is a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy and a cocker spaniel.
  16. nice to see what the rest of you all think on this, as i said before i don't mind digging now and again and was just wondering if this was out of the ordinary, but after reading all your reply's it seems that he is doing his job well, i have never had to dig to deep either, the deepest i think is about 3ft and i have pulled out a rabbit every time so i suppose i can't complain,cheers......john.
  17. i have 2 hob brothers that are in their 2nd season now, the problem is the smaller of the 2 seems to be killing in alot more this season, i have had him out 6 times and had to dig to him 4 times, i know that digging for your ferrets is to be expected sometimes and i don't mind it, but it's getting that i have to dig to him every time i'm out now, does anyone else have this problem? if so did you just get on with it or get rid,cheers......john
  18. i had my lurcher coming out with the ferrets at 5mths old,letting her have a look and feel of the rabbits in the net,letting her do her own thing,she is now 6 1/2mths and is doing well,she is 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy,cheers......john
  19. there`s a guy in ireland dont know if its north or south called noel on "the working whippet forum" has some good whippets i think they are fallswater whippets check him out on the working whippet forum yeah mate,noel is in the south and as far as i remember he lives in kilkenny.
  20. don't think i can trust any dog 100%. wouldn't leave my dogs with my child unattended for a second no matter how much i trust them,better safe than sorry imo.
  21. here's mine when she was 6 wks old,she is now 6 months and doing well,thats her in my avitar,cheers......john:thumbs:
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