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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. how long have you been going out with her?
  2. i use tht redmills aswell i find it to b a good food i olso use skinners aswell why do you use redmills and skinner? the guy just down the road sells dog food and thts wht he gets redmiils sometimes then skiiners jst depends no bother mate, i just thought you were feeding both at same time
  3. i use tht redmills aswell i find it to b a good food i olso use skinners aswell why do you use redmills and skinner?
  4. hi mate, if your bitch is only going into her 6th week then as you will probably know she will still have another 4wks to go, she is only just over half way through her pregnancy yet, it could be another couple of weeks before you see a difference in her appearance, the usual gestation period for a dog is 63 days, give or take a day or 2, atb with your litter
  5. ifeed mine raw 3 days a week, rabbit, deer liver, butcher's off cuts, sardines in tomato sauce, the rest of the week i feed redmills racer+, in the morning i soak in warm water and then in the evening i feed dry.
  6. it's the same up here mate, everywhere i go there is myxi, the best that you can hope for really is that there are a few that are immune and they breed up again, i have the pup out a few days a week on them, gives her a bit of confidence, so it's not a lost cause.
  7. i don't understand why some people find it hard to imagine a whippet taking on a fox and finishing the job, the whippet imo is a very under rated dog.
  8. come on mate get with it....its full of the scotish ffs were not all bad. How do explain Baw? i can't explain baw he appeared from scotlands own area51.
  9. come on mate get with it....its full of the scotish ffs were not all bad.
  10. i think he comes with a good reputation.
  11. why not get the whippet done, he's not a worker anyway is he?
  12. debbie does dallas shaving ryan's privates
  13. the wifes sister usually looks after them if i can't take them, i don't like doing it as she will feed them any old shiite and never excersises them, used to really annoy me and it would cause a bit of aggro between me and the wife, we now only go away for the week and i have the dogs meals all sorted into freezer bags before i go.
  14. and you have to think if this dog turns out a good one 5 6 years down the line you mite want to breed her your right i said in the first write up, if she turns out a good dog i want to keep the bloodline if my bitch makes it as a good worker i have a dog lined up for mine already lol a few years yet but still i no og a good grey what i wouldent mind puttin to mine,still early days for both but the grey i like will be worked,not many greys about what you can say are worked now days heres 1 for your bitch what age is that dog and what game does he do. shs only 9 weeks but i onl
  15. nice setup mate, did you do it yourself? nice pup aswell, it will be well pleased with it's new home
  16. baw, i think you should stay oot the pub mate, well at least until you get down to your sparring weight I wish I'd taken your advice, Ohh my poor head. your a bigger fanny than i thought .what are you doing adding c**ts you dont know as friends you tit.i,ll see you when your in glasgow .just pm me if you want to meet before that bigshot . I canny be arsed with keyboard warriors. Just pm that address bigman and I'll see you on the 25th, go on, grow some. ffs baw has he not sent you that pm yet? could have sent you a letter quicker
  17. YOU FUK UP YA WHIPPET SHAGGING PERVERT.DOES YER WHIPPET YELP .DO YOU AND BAW SOOK lol, baw's no ma type, he's a slag, what's your beef with baw anyway?
  18. am back, you know there is a very slim chance of you and baw meeting up, so why not stop acting the hard man, you will be glad not to meet up anyway, because i think your bottle has already gone. all mouth and no action, seen your type to many times.
  19. baw, i think you should stay oot the pub mate, well at least until you get down to your sparring weight Ach !! Don't tell me Ba' is a fat fvcker !! I allways had him down as a wee, wiry type of barmpot !! LOL !! Cheers. it's all that lager and pheasant, lol.
  20. baw, i think you should stay oot the pub mate, well at least until you get down to your sparring weight
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