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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. Do you have a spare room i could rent?! Lol! f*****g dogs eat better than me
  2. hi jord, don't know about pollock but i go sea fishing usually once a year, i bring back whole mackeral un-gutted, put them in the freezer and feed them to the dogs and ferrets whenever needed, as i said don't know about the bones in cod and pollock, cheers......john
  3. i was thinking the same, surely you must have a feeding routine by now, it's been nearly 3mths since you first posted this.
  4. thanks, gem do you get yours local? yep, local butcher,have to mince it myself though i bought some of the greyhound lad that was at the terrier show on sunday, €7 for 11lb minced, he also sells at the local greyhound track which is only 30 mins away, handy i thought
  5. windyhole my dogs listen to music when i take them out lamping, for years their recall was shite until my mate suggested i take their earphones off, problem solved
  6. thanks, gem do you get yours local?
  7. i have recently sourced tripe for sale, i was wondering if any of you feed your dogs this, if so when (summer, winter or all year round) how much and how often, i have a whippet x and i am going to start feeding her tripe as part of a balanced diet along with venison, chicken, rabbit, sprats and gain28, would appreciate your thoughts on this, cheers......john
  8. i have recently sourced tripe for sale, i was wondering if any of you feed your dogs this, if so when (summer, winter or all year round) how much and how often, i have a whippet x and i am going to start feeding her tripe as part of a balanced diet along with venison, chicken, rabbit, sprats and gain28, would appreciate your thoughts on this, cheers......john
  9. yeah right, a f*****g peek at his wifes tits more like
  10. spot on blossom and very well done on your 2 whippets winning their class, was nice talking to you
  11. jf1970


    andy roxburgh has to be in the top 5 best scottish managers. What team was it he played for again
  12. :laugh: one of THL classics there
  13. i started my dog of this way at 5mths, the only thing i done different was not to hold onto her, i gave her free reign and let her learn herself
  14. 18mths- 2yrs the recall and obedience should be sorted well before the dog is this age imo, why take a dog out ferreting and tie it up?
  15. Thanks JF it was a great show and i must say a great job done by Steve Roberts i dont think i ever had a judge look over my dogs so good before and thats no disrespect to any other judge that looked over my dogs before they all do a great and sometimes thankless job spot on, myself and a friend even commented on how thorough the judges were, they were first class. with judges, dogs and dogmen that were there yesterday this show can only get bigger.
  16. a good job i dont have a vw van or id think that was aimed at me oh f**k i should have went to spec savers.
  17. jf1970


    when the f**k did jock stein manage rangers?
  18. fantastic day out, met a few good lads, some great dogs on show, well done graham credit to you, i will def be going back next year, a real working dog show at working mans prices(well apart from the price of the jackets that were being sold from that wee red vw van)
  19. thats a juvenile goldfinch, they have yellow strips on their wings when they are that age.
  20. mmm, as your old report cards used to say " could do better". nice try though
  21. well you certainly did, you offered to take him out on his new permission
  22. I wouldnt like to pay butchers prices! lol. It would be cheaper driving around in the morning looking for roadkill than buying rabbits from a butcher a 4 quid a poxy rabbit! how much money would you spend on fuel driving around looking for road kill? i would go to the supermarket and by some chicken wings.
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