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Everything posted by jf1970

  1. i'm no expert on this, but it does sound as if air might have got in under the skin.
  2. Could you have spelt that without google because for the life of me i could not have.. i thought it was a spelling mistake,
  3. each to their own, but one of the best things for me is getting out with the mutts and walking the countryside. Even if they don't catch much at least they are still exercised.
  4. made my own sausages this evening, along with the venison i added pork fat (10%), fajita mix ( 1 pkt), 1 spoonful of chinese 5 spices and instead of rusk i added oats, i managed to get lamb casings aswell which was a bonus, i made a mini burger and fried it on the pan for a taste before making it into the sausages and it tasted nice, might try burgers next
  5. thanks for your help folks, jack when you say rusks, you don't mean like farleys rusks do you?
  6. hi, i am going to have a go at making venison sausages at the weekend, can anyone give me any ideas on what to add to meat, cheers......john
  7. i think they are popular with the organic crowd because they are blight resistant.
  8. have any of you ever tried "sarpo mira"? i done a basic horticulture coarse a few years back and the main crop of spuds were this variaty, i thought they were excellent in taste, not to floury and not to waxy.
  9. + 1 Its what its all about thanks for posting john Andrew thanks for reading
  10. thanks sussex, i really did enjoy the stalk, the kill was a bit of an anti climax if you know what i mean.
  11. hi folks, after doing a bit of cutting and splitting timber this morning and sitting down for a bit of lunch, i decided that since it was such a nice sunny afternoon that i would head out to a local area that holds a good population of fallow, i was hoping that i would see a few out sunning themselves. this area is about 2000 acres of woodland, but dotted in and around it are 8 small 2-3 acre open areas where the deer come out to graze, i parked the van up and made my way quietly through the woods which are made up of Hazel, Beech and some areas of pine, i got to the first open area and
  12. thats looks a handy wee mincer that, and for that price it would be well worth a try.
  13. i bought this last year, second hand 200 euros.
  14. just because a dog isn't matched, doesn't mean it's s.hite. there are alot of good unmatched dogs out there and you won't pay half of the stud fees that the match dogs are asking.
  15. aye, light a shite, also used to tie thread onto the door knockers and hide behind the wall then pull the thread to knock the door.
  16. I got a knife there off midnight... Its a serious f***ing blade... Well bloody worth it, ask midnight how much it cost to post to me, think it was about 10stg but cant remember yep just ordered a knife of midnight and the postage is 10stg. jigsaw if you click on the blue writing under his post it will take you into his photobucket album of some knifes he has made, but be warned it will be hard making your mind up.
  17. there was a pub in my home town (now knocked down) it had an old dance floor upstairs that was made into a boxing ring, if anyone had a disagreement with anyone it was upstairs to sort it out with the gloves on, it had a bad reputation but i loved it as it was full of caracters. i used to go in on a friday after work, buy 1/4 of hash, a few pints and a couple of joints then home.
  18. lol, how is that dog getting on. hes doing well, ive been doing a bit of ferreting with him but conie are scarce enough now tell me about it.
  19. lol, how is that dog getting on.
  20. where abouts is he gem, is he local to you? does he know his stuff when it come to running dogs? you can pm if prefer. Hes local enough, hes a farm vet / small animal practice, will pm you
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