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Everything posted by HIGHAM

  1. iv just baught myself 2 spades tonight off a guy not far away from my house , he had them advertised on preloved website , got a good deal from him for the pair ... not sure on what it is but the bigger spade has a rounded off blade goin to a point and a good angle to shovel aswell , the second spade is a small light weight one about 2.5ft , just need to put an over sholder strap onto it then im away ... all in £15 which i thaught was spot on
  2. looking for a Hob , must be well handled and from working stock , manchester area will travel round northwest !!! will be to a good working home cheers
  3. this isnt a cry for help just a heads up like ... cheers HIGHAM
  4. Hi all, just a quick hello not been on here for around 2 years as i give the ferreting up due to commitments but looking to start again and re stock the hutches , also need to re-plenish the equipment after being sat in the wet shed :-( need to knock the rust off and get out there and get some permission again which is the hard part , always keen to help out on a days ferreting with someome , can travel also ... any help appreciated cheers HIGHAM
  5. thats a smart lookin dog that pal , RIP
  6. as above really, but watch the hob, if hes like mine he will draw blood on the Jill, two hours was enough for her, it wasn't my Jill it was a friends but i still stopped them, he did the job in on sitting just watch just in case mate hope you have good homes for them mike yeah i have homes for at least 6 up to now , for pets and for working homes !! some decent advice ... thanks all HIGHAM
  7. so i take it as soon as u started ferreting u knew it all then yeah ... wind ur neck in n stop critisising people ...
  8. The jills come in season so paired her up today , keep my eye on them for a few days now ! should i sepperate them after a week or so ??? feedback appreciated cheers
  9. Hi , had this bike for a few years now , it needs engine work i.e piston and a good inspection of the engine ... These bikes are rare as rocking horse shit aswell but as i dont have the time to ride any twin shock meatings anymore its for sale . it isnt running at the minute , engine is in bits , will make good project and good bike when built ! Im open to offers on it as i wouldnt like to state a price due to the fact it isnt built up fully ... may swap (try me) thanks HIGHAM
  10. lookin good pal , good dogs these lads
  11. Just like to say Thanks to "Ferreting 22" off the site for a new ferret box he made me tonight ... I rang him up earlier and within a hour he had my new ferret box ready! Good quality box and realy light weight, well worth the small amount paid ! For someone id never seen or spoke to before he was a sound lad to deal with... ATB HIGHAM
  12. Thanks alot to both of ur replies , this will help me in my search for a rifle and to know a little more about what il be buying thanks again HIGHAM
  13. Hi all , im after buying an air rifle and just put my feelers out recently ... My mate has a Weihrauch HW80 that he will part with , its in very good condition , it has sights on it but im not sure wich ones they are ... would like to know how good people think they are , also if they arnt very good ?? also a ball park figure on what they sell for ! Thanks alot ATB HIGHAM
  14. Hi pal , is there a coller with it ? Cheers
  15. Hi , im haveing trouble uploading pics , keeps saying file size to big ... any ideashow i can resize the files as im not very good at this stuff thanks all HIGHAM
  16. well iv read other posts on here regarding breeding and iv took alot of comments into consideration i.e. the jab for jills , it doesnt bother me breeding as i have a good set up and i can guarentee good homes for some of the kitts , may keep a few for myself ... back to my origional question ... thanks for ur feedback ! i only wanted answers / opinions for a reasearch aspect
  17. well if u read the post propperly ud see that i put " im new to breeding etc" , and regarding doing research ... this is a way of doing research i.e. by using a public forum for help and info ! thanks anyway
  18. Just wondering what type/colour kitts will turn out from a polecat hob and albino jill ? serious question as im new to breeding etc THANKS
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