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Everything posted by HIGHAM

  1. Hi all , iv tried to get a picture set for my profile but cant seem to do it , did it years ago on an old account but cant remember how to do it now ... Any help appreciated Atb Matt
  2. Hats off to you pal , good result Atb Matt
  3. better luck next time with the shots atb matt
  4. Just read some of his posts hahahahaha could read them all day long , asking and answering his own questions is brilliant Atb Matt
  5. good offer but what if someone says they have 50 ferts for rehoming , u will need a big court for that ... just thaught id ask seeing as you said you would re home any fert atb matt
  6. good post , if you was closer to manchester area i could sort you a morning ferreting , hope you get sorted ! pm me if you struggle atb matt
  7. We call you " Pontoon " because one eye sticks and the other twist's u bogeyed b*****d
  8. As said earlier video / take pictures of the rats, this is evidence and legal to do or disragard what he says and get a couple of ratting lads off here and get rid of them as best you can Atb matt
  9. I wouldnt keep mine in the house as i wouldnt trust my dogs but i do keep mine in a shed , cleaned out every other day and fead and water'd daily , not much smell in the shed at all Atb matt
  10. good dig shame about the dog lads , keep at em atb Matt
  11. growing up i had a habbit of losing keys so i keep a few together now so there harder to lose / misplace they do p1ss me off tho i must admit Oh well
  12. van key , house keys , variouse padlock keys , access keys for work ( lifts ) and a metal keyring that i use day in day out to undo flat head screws / bolts had this for about 6 years and its saved me loads of times atb matt
  13. good going lads smart dog uv got there aswell looks a strong thing atb matt
  14. to be honest its never been my cup of tea but the power - speed - commitment these hawks have is unreal , changed my view on them completely after today , if uv never seen them work id recomend it atb Matt
  15. well me and a mate of mine decided at 12 oclock today to have a quick ride out to to my permission and give his Goss Hawk a flight , Took the stinkers for some bolting ! walking threw the woods and beating the cover we kicked a rabbit up and off we went , not seen my mates hawk working rabbits before but i must say im more that impressed well we moved on and checked a few warrens , found a new one i havnt worked before so tried it with a little jill , heard a load of bumping around and had a bolt , the bird give chase and nailed it in some thick cover then the rabbit manged
  16. HIGHAM


    roll on sunday should keep the rabbits at home atb Matt
  17. im having a similar problem with a hob , aparently about 8 months old ... there was two rabbits in a one hole set and it was in and out in about 10 seconds then dropped my mates jill in and she bolted them in no time , this annoyed me but hes still young and il keep at it for as long as it takes , they need to learn how to work the earth and push the bunnies out or into a stop end either way u will get a result ! atb Matt
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