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Everything posted by HIGHAM

  1. Not managed to get out with the stinkers over this weekend just gone so seeing as the weather has been alot better today for both ferrets and goss hawk myself and my mate aranged a couple of hours on my permission . myself armed with the ferret and small spade and my mate holding the hawk we headed over the fields and into a thick wooded area , whilst out walking the dogs last week i noticed a load of bew earths so we decided to try them ... tried a few small ones and had no luck so carried on walking and found a 3 holer in a small banking surrounding a swampy area , my mate Ben got in pos


    what was the video of ?
  3. when he says " sorry about the collar, used to have a strongstuff but he broke it there not that strong" then laughs hahahaha
  4. larger population of hawks etc maybe ?
  5. Never said anything about it being good that a dog is taking a squirrel , the comentry makes the video
  6. Quality video never fails to amuse , when he's talking about the breeding , makes me piss ha
  7. Still here and in my way now surely someone could make use of this cage
  8. Excellent pics and write up , handy looking dogs uv got there Atb Matt
  9. Well in pal decent little trip out by all accounts Atb Matt
  10. crank sensor will probably be wet threw cant see it being starter motor atb matt
  11. good stoppage for frampton , onwards and upwards
  12. good luck , keep us posted on how you get on
  13. yeah they are prone to it , luckily mine dont get it bad and canalural works almost instantly , i will research what uv said also cheers matt
  14. canalural seems to work with my staffs should be the sane for all dogs
  15. Recently theres been a lot of talk about good blood lines in working terriers and a lot of old names being brought up ... Just wondering if people are talking about these good bloodlines / breeders now then what bloodlines / breeders will people be talking about in years to come ? Wondering if there will be many new lines spoke about as much as the old ones Atb Matt
  16. Bump - swaps for anything try me ( no stupid comments ) or cash offer need it gone as its in the way Cheers Matt
  17. Riding motocross and trials Causing havok with my mates Drinking cider on the local school / parks Getting suspended from school for having my hair to short ( excuse to ride the bikes more often ) Talking to birds on msn
  18. not seen any young at all yet , i tend to let them run if i net any untill they are abit bigger , not saying theres a right or wrong explanation just what i do matt
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