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Everything posted by HIGHAM

  1. as above very good condition , for sale or swap ... try me atb matt not really got a price in mind so offers please
  2. thanks guys , getting all the info i can an then make the decission if i think it is the right dog for me cheer matt
  3. hi guys this question may have been asked a million times but here go's ... looking for a running dog to acompany me whilst out ferreting but would also like something with abit more snap , not really looking for a big bull x so was thinking a whippet , i have the access to go out with mates with terriers so would a whippet bull x be suitable for the occasional look in a big hole or onto a bolt ? heard powell bull x whippets are quite handy but never seen any work , what are the pros and cons ? just looking for honest answers and advice as its something im looking into for the near fu
  4. good work , smart dogs and smart gaff atb matt
  5. There was a few names flying round a while ago but no pictures , people saying he was living in blackpool but like i said this was a while ago ! Not sure how much truth is in the info people are giving out tho Atb Matt Surely someone knows
  6. well done keep at em atb matt
  7. Not stopped snowing here all day - Bolton
  8. give it a watch guys and girls , its on quite often about trapping and general hunting
  9. i just throw them in my game / net bag and if theres to many i always keep a length of rope with me
  10. Cheers mate go over a few times a year to stay with family but never seen any field sport shops hence this post Atb Matt
  11. Hi all im going over ireland for a few days at the end of the month and was wondering if theres any decent field sport / hunting shops around Im going to letterkenny , falcarragh and mayo not sure in what order and after i step foot on irish soil and the beers are flowing i wont mind what order either haha Always nice to check out shops when away Cheers in advance Matt
  12. i worked a jill once when she first came into season , wouldnt advice it tho as we wer using a hob also ( seperatly ) and after the jill had run the warren the hob would just be in and out chasing scent ! wouldnt breed in first season , do it next year instead atb matt
  13. funny that prank call , bang 5 pound haha
  14. Nice one mate i keep staffs n love the breed , never worked them but would be good to see what they are like also Atb Matt
  15. Never filled a kennel so how do they know he can produce ? Stupid
  16. Try showing it quarry instead of sticks and balls it mite help speed up the process
  17. RIP sad loss to a young boy ... Now the scum responsible for this are 2 of the most highly educated people in the country Sickening in my eyes
  18. Well in mate looks a good trip out
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