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Everything posted by hedz31

  1. hedz31


    It's already on there mate they post something on about them running through after something but it was took of it was kind of packed when they went through
  2. Beagle tri-colour male lost clipstone forest behind sherwood forest center parc's, last seen playing tag with something on the desert off road place heading toward's rainworth any info would be appreciated
  3. That really hurt, someone as ugly as you calling me ugly That really hurt, someone as ugly as you calling me ugly f**k off i am handsome
  4. What about a pine marten would they do a mink ?? ffs :laugh: :laugh:
  5. Good job that photo dont show ye top half ye ugly f****r
  6. i just seen the title to this thread and had to have a laugh and look at it
  7. For big animals ye wouldnt of thought them shite on foxes and bark on other stuff and ye would of thought they could put a bend in on a lamped hare
  8. we know why he was used and nobody has said useing buddy was a bad choice imo it was a step in the right direction if the other dog pulled and yapped and barked
  9. im not getting into this got band for three days last time. im not getting into this got band for three days last time. I aint argueing i stated a true point and i said ye dog was a nice strong looking animal if they did the job i would have 1, on paper they should have everything and look the part if ye man was that good he would be looking at why they do and breed out instead of steaming ahead blind as a bat
  10. Or rumour? Or rumour? No mate the bloke that bred them doe's not denie there barker's he wont admit barker's are jibber's though ye wouldnt think it looking at them thats a good strong animal but what an animal looks like dont get the job done i guess heart and good breeding doe's that imo
  11. Strong looking dog ye wouldnt think they were barker's and jibber's on larger quarry they certainly have the size is it the heart they lack or maybe in the breeding ??
  12. So is this an advert for hunting in south africa ? whack some prices up etc if it is
  13. i wouldnt say so who knows with gene's but there bred on a similar principle as coursing bred dogs so they should have stamina and wind a saluki is about the only sighthound that will put wind and stamina in imo
  14. Shite near all heavy greyhound or whippet saturated lurchers or long dog to long dog cross running dogs have shite stamina and lack wind a good fit animal will have decent recovery time but next to a lurcher to lurcher bred animal bred with wind etc in mind they alway do look poor
  15. Dont be a hypocrite your last litter was an accident shouldnt you of been watching ye own dog's,practice what ye preach and all that
  16. Ive never noticed a difference pulled some scabby feckers out in city's though i will say 1 thing i love the countryside and being out there with hounds and terriers but some of the biggest bags ive had in a day with terrier's were digging in city's round industrial estate's and bits of rough ground
  17. How come them on the left have coats hats the lot on and the hard little f****r on the right is in a thin t-shirt
  18. Ive got all the gear and no idea but who gives a f**k i look ace when i am out
  19. Mine can catch them but he tend's to eat them, chew them up or ye have use a break stick to get him of them so a rabbit dog he aint better crosses out there for bunny's if ye ask me
  20. if ye have to come on THL and ask other folk what ye should breed to ye bitch i wouldnt bother
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