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Everything posted by d.p.bummer

  1. deffo mate cant wait here is a pick of the one i am keeping not the best pick That pup is the spitting image of mine. that looks like a non starter too WTF do you know about? Id love to stop and chat bollox with you, but UNLIKE You i have to go and walk the walk, not just talk the talk, i think you know what im insinuating there, bunch of weekend working dogs i think, jumping on band wagon. Get a life.
  2. deffo mate cant wait here is a pick of the one i am keeping not the best pick That pup is the spitting image of mine. that looks like a non starter too
  3. There always one fanny that likes to try and mess someone topic up i know the bloke u bought a dog off, he asked u not to sell it but u did, so whos the fool, knob
  4. you have had 5 dogs for sale since july last year wonder long this un will last messer.
  5. Another doggy for MAACCY to sell on in a couple of weeks
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