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Everything posted by mick1212

  1. just been on fagboys profile alls i could see was your toe nails hanging out of his ass whats that all about cockstash hahahhaahahahaha
  2. dont i its all in your profile youve proved to everyone on here that your a shitbag and still try and think your funny with shit jokes in my eyes you are a bad effort of a man so you are a cockstash
  3. rooney doesn,t i dont mind some mancs but i fucken hate you gobshite well well,thick mick the stalker is back,i was hoping you'd been locked up for sniffing mens bike seats again u arse bandit,ive told you once an il tell you again,im happily married with a family and im not interested...now feck off an stalk someone else,ya dirty fudge packing fecker i was waiting for you to reply to that mate and it was well worth the wait LOL!!! hes been stalking me for mths always checking my profile and just because im not a sausage jockey like thick mick he now hates me you've got t
  4. rooney doesn,t i dont mind some mancs but i fucken hate you gobshite well well,thick mick the stalker is back,i was hoping you'd been locked up for sniffing mens bike seats again u arse bandit,ive told you once an il tell you again,im happily married with a family and im not interested...now feck off an stalk someone else,ya dirty fudge packing fecker i was waiting for you to reply to that mate and it was well worth the wait LOL!!! hes been stalking me for mths always checking my profile and just because im not a sausage jockey like thick mick he now hates me you've got t
  5. rooney doesn,t i dont mind some mancs but i fucken hate you gobshite
  6. mick1212

    lost harris

    Hi there can you explain more about the trap, what exactly is a "hangmans staple" thanks he means hangmans loop then staple the loop to the board with staple gun Thanks for that you havnt lost 1 aswell have you
  7. mick1212

    lost harris

    Hi there can you explain more about the trap, what exactly is a "hangmans staple" thanks he means hangmans loop then staple the loop to the board with staple gun
  8. weigh it in might get a bit more than a 100
  9. good luck with homing her cocker, i remember seing a picture of the bitch good strong type , and cheap £ just a bloody shame there is alot about right now !!!.. good luck .to you she will make someone proud im sure thanks mate, also i think some of the problem is moneys a bit tight for a lot of people, and the current law on hunting with dogs, does not help matters, but if the right person is looking for a saluki pup, and likes this one, but cant have one right now, or is struggling with the cash let me know, i wont budge on the price but i will let someone pay bit by bit,
  10. mick1212

    lost harris

    am on the iff have not seen it but i think there just trying to protect are sport a female harris at good hunting weight can cause quite a bit of damage to peoples pets and create a lot of bad press if its still local to you try and catch it up use the method i pmd you and youd be doing are sport a favour goodluck
  11. nice looking catapults mate i already have a hunter catty but if i was you id do the lads on here a lil discount to get the word about bit of feedback and i hope you do well goodluck
  12. mick1212

    lost harris

    make or buy a bal chatri but keep an eye on it you dont want to trap anything else try an get there first light more chance of being hungry
  13. mick1212

    noisy harris

    i have my feeding shoots high the food lands on a feeding shelf if you want to shut this bird up you need half of your roof open meshed off all sides closed and feed through the feeding shoot and do not look at him through the roof let him moult out then september drop his weight and get him entered asap i told you a few weeks ago this bird would scream good luck
  14. catching crocks good watch
  15. danny the champion of he world great book better than the film
  16. lokks in good feather condition
  18. i think his undies changed colour to hahaahh
  19. is that because werebetter than you
  20. now dont feed it any were near your house box it and take it to your flying ground and get it on the creance keep feeding around the house ill guarantee it will scream good luck why will it scream round the house.will it not scream at the flying ground ive seen beginners get them and feed them in the garden and in the mews and theyve all screamed get them entered asap reduces the risk of screaming
  21. now dont feed it any were near your house box it and take it to your flying ground and get it on the creance keep feeding around the house ill guarantee it will scream good luck
  22. your mate is not fit to have a dog he is a c**t and your just as bad trying to move them on for him
  23. join the international falconry forum a few lads on there your way
  24. I dont know whats more rare.....a bully kutta or a well bred staff !..... I spose these half horse looking things are going to be the latest must have fashion item amongst the joe daki community now. am sure theres a website by mbk which they sell bully kuttas on they also sell gull terreirs
  25. try and get a sample of some fresh mutes and take it to your vet theyll tell you what you need and how much
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