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Everything posted by mick1212

  1. ist a 170 and any filters location too
  2. funny you say that i was out yesterday ferret down slipped me mates bird at the bolter wind way too strong rabbit ran into the wind and made cover bird got blew away i got to the cover were the rabbit was it squealed and never moved as i grabbed it looked healthy
  4. freeman of the land youd be suprised what you could learn
  5. pm speedie off here he knows all about them
  6. your on a hunting site mate not a breeding site hahaha peddlars should be banned asking if you hunt any of your 7 perigrines not a silly question or your screaming harris hawks your in it for money nothing else am in it for the sport and pleasure You cannot even spell Peregrine and you do not understand them. Have you ever even bred a peregrine falcon to understand what is involved in breeding peregrine falcons? weather i can spell it or not doesnt matter dont want to understand how to breed them neither am not in this sport for money am in it for enjoyment now if this was a th
  7. id still say it to him if he was in the same room watch the vid and tell me what you can hear i also have a silent male who flies around 1.5 silent because hes out regular if it was someone who kept a yard full of lurchers and bread them without hunting them hed be a pedllar same with birds i love bop dont like seeing them left in back yards they should be doing what there born to do out on the wing happy hawking
  8. your on a hunting site mate not a breeding site hahaha peddlars should be banned asking if you hunt any of your 7 perigrines not a silly question or your screaming harris hawks your in it for money nothing else am in it for the sport and pleasure
  9. whin i dont think hell answer you he hasnt answered any of your other posts
  10. How many peregrine falcons do I breed per female each year and how many per year would cover the comment 'breed the ass out of them''? i think if a bird is left in a breeding chamber all its life its there to breed the ass off to make money why else would you keep it there now answer me out of the birds you have how many do you fly hard all season and what is the purpose of keeping a sharpei
  11. good man seen his avatar i bet you he breeds the ass off that too
  12. rake aboot some decent lads involved in falconry love to get out and actually do a bit not just bang birds up and breed the ass out of them get out with someone doing a bit youll love it
  13. the sweaty c**t didnt even wipe her ass smelly cu nt
  14. not really just make me want it evan more
  15. pm grch hell take you out always helping the younguns out
  16. ive got the c220 would love the c63 probably end up wrapping it round a lamppost serious motor
  17. i had a dog called nigger when i was a kid me dad loved sending me out looking for it
  18. if i was your dad the only thing shed be getting of me is the cats donkeys and potlickers
  20. last time i was out with dean we got 2 partos off the doms just [bANNED TEXT] crimbo hadnt been out over crimbo until night befor last got a moggy hen waiting for this wind to die down a bit be out tomorow its horrible when they grab and get away
  21. got to be a bit carefull with the wind not to windy just what your bird will cope with of a day other than that pretty much the same
  22. i lamp my harris a few nights a week it beats digging ferrets out they take to it like a duck to water get a good variable lamp and tape the bells up for when they hit squatters just as they strike rabbits here the bell and there off they take birds out of trees also good luck
  23. thats just lab when hes done a pheasent count and realises someones been poaching
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