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wirral countryman

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Everything posted by wirral countryman

  1. You all got the entrance fees wrong,it is 35pounds on Friday and 30 the other 2days,for the first time ever I will be giving it a miss,farrrrrrr tooooooo expensive,camping is daft as well,they need to remember what these fairs were set up to do and stop robbing the poor suckers that need to go,WM
  2. YES BOYO,I will get the camera back out soon and run a few off of him,he is a lovely pup and one I myself would of chosen to keep,he knows the D/GREY are slow maturing and his size will determine the amount of exercise he gets,he loves working with the terriers but that will limit his retrieving opportunities as he gets older, he does like ferreting and that should keep him occupied till Xmas,WM
  3. I get lots of different types of birds brought to me and come across lots when out,I would of force fed it before taking it back,but yes it was the right thing to do,the RSPCA do not have a clue what to do with birds of prey and will kill most of them with ignorance,they survive by volunteers helping them and if they have,nt any experience of the breed then its curtains for the animal, WM
  4. R.I.P Tod, hard to say goodbye to an old warrior thats earned your respect through hard work, when the time comes its the hardest thing to hold him whilst he slips away, we owe our dogs a fitting end to their days and its only right we are there to keep them calm,WM
  5. We made the mistake of using metal poles and rings,the problem was they rattled in the wind disturbing the feeding rabbits,we never really did very well with it, caught more with my quickset and no chance of getting it nicked, if you use night vision you can see how many are out feeding to check if its worth doing,good luck,WM
  6. My 3 Plummers catch everyday sometimes its only a few but normally around 8 to 10 or so,they smash any cover,no fear of nettles,etc,whatever is in there is either flushed to my lurcher or killed,there is not much gets away,once a terrier knows the game it is deadly,I have always expected my terriers to catch,WM
  7. The last time I spoke he had been in hospital for his heart by pass operation,come out struggled to walk due to them stripping some veins out of his legs,he then went back in with a chest infection,Stando has he been back in after this then for the stent,Mosby,Brian is a real nice fella and like all the old terrier men will talk to anyone about terriers,he is only a phone call away,these guys whose names we all grew up with will not be around to much longer, get well soon Brian,WM
  8. I've some really good mates in Holland and France,the laws can be strict depending on who comes out,the shooting lads have every inch stitched up,my mate who lives in "Condon" France had a front leg shot off his lurcher by a member of the local hunt and he's been there over 10 yrs,the fella even knew it was his dog, my mate in Holland travels into eastern europe,Finland,etc to get his sport, he lives in "Breda" Holland, he has been turned over many times by animal rights people and the police, Europe is definitely not the place to hunt dogs but they love shooter's,organised clubs are the only
  9. I spent a lot of time at Jimmy,s place swapping foxes for dogmeat and that's how I first met Plummer,Jimmy never wrote that book but spent a lot of time taking Plummer coursing up and down the country,meeting the leading lights of that time,interviewing them,etc,seeing different crosses run and how they faired,etc, its fair to say the book would never of had the content without Jimmy,I remember him asking Plummer whether he was a rogue or a running dog,Lols,Jim was never happy that himself,Joe Segar,etc,never got much of a mention after trailing Plummer all over the country without much thanks
  10. That off Al's stuff mate,sure looks like one of his,WM
  11. My mate has that in his kennels,it is very good but can be a tad slippy in the frost,good seal though and easy to clean,WM
  12. F.D. there you go again thinking everybody (including newbies) have to pass your test or gain your endorsement to be accepted on here, being able to write joined up without spelling mistakes or appearing to have a few more years experience always seems to put you out your comfort zone and like many country folk in the past start screaming "Witch", if lads come on like "Leethedog" an obvious "newbie", but only when it suits him,asking real daft questions that are obviously contrived and many having no place on here but Facebook, yet they raise no suspicion as they become quickly accepted by mem
  13. Your inbox is full again Jack Ivester_LloydY.I.S Leeview I had the pleasure of hunting with jack ivester Lloyd as his guest terrier man on a number of occasions,we were snowed in one time when it was called off,he did not like lurcher and terrier men,I had some great rows with him,his thoughts were that all foxes were for hunting and any other way was a waste
  14. everyone who passed that little dog laughed their head off and as soon as I seen him I thought of your wonder dogs, your paranoia is only exceeded by your arrogance and your need to deride anybody who may have more knowledge or experience than you,you constantly criticise the very men that your supposed line are built upon, it costs nothing to be polite and respectfull until you are sure who some one is or what they are about, you ask for photo:,s without you doing so yourself,you were duped by 2 woolybacks and taken for 40 rips by a pretender,astute your certainly not,carrotcruncher you defin
  15. I can state that Merle was never a fox dog as I know he was supplied with well over 50 foxes live and that dog never killed a one, but I had a lot of collie crosses bred down off him that would face anything so it shows you how fickle breeding can be,WM
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