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About FirstBlood

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Hi FirstBlood. Here's a link that covers most , if not all , the UK procedure for obtaining an FAC, All the best, John http://homepage.ntlworld.com/steve.davidson1/fac_app.htm Thanks John, I`ll have a squizz of that. Cheers, Chris.
  2. Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes there is the same provision here, of which a shooting club membership(which only applies to target shooting, including all disciplines such as rifle, hangun, shotgun etc, and of a particuler calibre)and/or permission from a landowner to eradicate vermin is sufficient in satisfying. Permissions, though, are very hard to get here. Cheers, Chris.
  3. Hello Fellas, I live in West Oz and am about to apply for my West Oz FAC.So what eh? Well I`m wondering if anyone can tell me about how a Ozzy FAC compares.Having been brought up in the S. Yorks countryside, all I`ve ever shot was air rifles and they require an FAC here, so have also taken up Long range shooting with a 7.62 rifle here at the SAS barracks range in Perth. Here the system is what I thought England was, please bear in mind I have very little knowledge in this area,well I thought getting an FAC in England was like getting a driving licence-get it and then automatically you can bu
  4. Got to laugh mate, sorry that was a bit funny....sounds like you`ve had a bad "hair" day with your choice on scopes. Hope it gets better...advice on here is quite sound. Soz can`t help you further, except Gammo have a decent build cheap range.I`ve got on this HW77 a 3-9 x 50 Illuminated reticule, paid Euros 100 for it and it does the job, however no milldots for hold over/under aim. Depends on what you wanna pay mate. Might help ya to put max price on. Cheers, Chris.
  5. I hunted over 200 fannys , all with clean kills by the time I was 18. Then I ate them. HaHaHa,Zini, love t`ya brother. Thanks for your enthusiasm and leadership. Good to hear man
  6. Therefore the logic relies on the famous words of Eminem..............if you see an opportunity...... would you take it ?
  7. Firstly I disagree with your point that a gun is FAC certified for the rest of it`s life, as therefore all air rifles in the UK would require an FAC if they were manufactured outside the UK, but don`t due to them being altered from release by the continental manufacturers on importation and "HULL" Stamping. Secondly, if the air rifles imported were chrono tested at point of entry, spring removed and held if required , at the cost of the importer, surely this would suffice. Much more realistic than wasting taxpayers money in jailing innocent people who purchased an air rifle on the EU conti
  8. I agree, if you want a powerfull top of the range air rifle speak to the lads on here, ref springer or pcp. Otherwise do the above, get a rimfire. I reckon Rimfire got a bit fecked off, cos I can knock bunnies down at 100m with a springer. Sorry mate, if you need any tips with your shooting ie, Aiming etc, I`m always happy to help out. Just ask. Gotchya
  9. I understand the concern, however I was merely sharing my experience while holidaying in England. For the record,I wasn`t encouraging the illegal use or importation of fire arms as I returned to Portugal with my HW77. It does pose an interesting situation though, and something that`s also interesting is that well respected air rifle manufacturers release their air rifles onto the market at a higher power on the continent, which then is subdued by our british authorities. Wether it`s a good thing or not is not the point I wish to make;- the point I was making was that there is a flaw in the
  10. Does anyone know of a good Airgun club in Sheffield, S.Yorks?
  11. A few too many jars of Superbock.Owch,sorry for my ramblings As and when you do come back, please give me a shout 'cos I could really do with some of whatever it is you're on... Cheearerease..... Edit... You've not found the 'holy grail', most of us are aware of this...
  12. Cheers lads for all the info.If anyones interested HW100 are released from manufacturers with a muzzle velocity of 310 m\sec. WOOOOHOOOOO. FECKIN POWERFULL I RECKON. Maybe i should bring a few over in truck.What Dya reckon Boys? I´ve been using Gammo Magnum .22 today, and if I CAN SAVE SOME OTHER POOR SOD from parting with their hard cash for nothing, then take my advice. You`d be better throwing your tin of pellets at the target,at least you might hit something!Lots of way off wandering shots from a fixed prone shot.Quite MIFFED. Pellet grain 15.6.Grouping at 30m 400mm.Feel like shelling
  13. The mans a genius Why the feck didn't the rest of us thick sods think of that Guess thats why Sean's a mod Phantom
  14. Thanks mate.Will check that up.Sounds like 18 to 20ft/lbs,surely that would affect the tradjectory of the pellet,thus increasing inaccuracy.Just doesn`t sound realistic.Yes 755 feet is what the american sites say,I suppose they don`t` have limmits either.
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