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About 87mick09

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 09/09/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    County Durham
  • Interests
    All kinds of hunting, going coursing and lamping with me lurcher's!

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  1. which group are whos has it for sale
  2. after a hw 90 [NO TEXT TALK] got for sale cheer's mick
  3. shes proved her self to me, shes got the heart and she can run all day, av watched her pull stuff with my own eyes and shes got this season to do it all again, al guarantee if fetched on properly these pups wont be shite. there's a few of us kept some back so once they are up and workin al post few pics to show every1 how they turn out. mick c if u think this dog is no good cause shes 2 then send me a private message and I will be happy to meet up and show u her run and I bet u change ur opinion
  4. the dog stands at 23tts nd the bitch is just short of 25. And before all u nob heads start iv had the dog since he was a pup nd he is a proven dog has done everything and i will gladly go out with [NO TEXT TALK] on here and show them how he works, nd the bitch aye shes only 2 but she got ran all last season and proved herself more than enough times, the only reason this breeding went ahead is because me and few of the lads all agreed to take a pup, we wernt expecting as big of a litter but she had ten and we carnt keep them all thats why theres a few for sale on here. The bitch is away from
  5. the bitch is 2 and dog 3 nd half, and it started pissin down outside nd it wasn't my house lol
  6. Sire: bull greyhound x wheaton greyhound all round proven dog Dam: saluki greyhound well bred coursing bitch Would like these pups to go to working home's only. £100 a pup 3 bitches 2 dogs left out of litter of 10. Ring mick on 07446171910 for any more details. Dam. Sire
  7. Border x Lakeland pups for sale, 2 dogs and 1 bitch left, both parents work above and below ground and both come from working stock. Price £150 Ring for any more details on 07768810683. .
  8. who ever gets him wont be disapointed.
  9. Alrite lads im sellin my young patterdale terrier hes about 10 month now unspoilt seen nothing yet. Been out on a couple of mooches with other dogs even ran threw a few unused sets with his mother so comin on well just needs starting properly. The reason im sellin is i carnt get enough work for the terriers nd its not fair on him really as he will make a good dog in the [bANNED TEXT] hands. He stands at 12tts an is a well bred dog both parents hard grafters, would like him to go to a working home only.£200 no offer's. Any one interested ring number for futher details 07446171910.
  10. i own the dam mate. ad rather not say on here how there bred if ur interseted giz a ring are private message nd am happy to talk, lol
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