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Everything posted by mattyv1433

  1. rabbit hutch and for eggs mate
  2. hey guys im new to all this , but what quail do you reccomend keeping for first time .
  3. has anyone got any tips on cleaning my 12 bore shotgun , as i have just bought a cleaning kit from my local gun dealer. thanks matt
  4. my dt teacher wont let me do a ferret box . he says ive gt to be more creative. haha any look great pal
  5. hey all , im going pigeon shooting tomorrow and would just like to ssk how i should set the decoys out.Also, what chokes should i use
  6. just bought a zabala over and under 12 bore shotgun yesterday at gamefair 3 innch magnum . what do oyou guys think about these guns
  7. seeland allorunder only 50 quid and very warm
  8. u know any one who does terrier work round our end

  9. ive finished dug to a few milky does.Any breeding there ferrets this summer
  10. will this be suitable for left handed shooters
  11. nice pups mate ild love one but mum wont let me have one . ild love one to take ferreting
  12. anyone on here got picture sof there ratting and bushing terriers with there catches or when out ferreting
  13. yer mate im thinking of going eithe rthere or askham bryon
  14. firearms officer is coming tomorrow do he give you your shotgun liscence on the day or do you have to wait. how long would this take
  15. has any one got these boots and if so what do you think of them
  16. hi there , well its good to see you are interested in starting ferreting.Too home two ferrets i would get a good two tier hutch , as this gives plenty of room for the ferrets to run around in while they are not out working the ground.For bedding use shredded paper this is very cheap to buy and easy to get hold of. For the rest of the hutch use wood shavings.Feeding your ferrets , well you can buy ferret food or use game,if you know anyone who goes shooting politely ask them if you can have a few pigeons or what ever, this varies the diet.If you are buying your ferrets from 8 weeks of age d
  17. you got any pics mate
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