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Everything posted by fieldsman

  1. fieldsman


    yes it has its not a coincidence that human dna can be found through history whole and in part tracing our evolution to long before religion.Evolutionary changes that can be followed back to prehistoric times and yes we are animals clever monkeys and provable .I have nothing against you beleiving in religion but it is a fact that religion as a whole stifles intelligence and innovation the average iq in strict religious countries is lower than those not proving it helps you beleive if your a bit thick and vice versa .Ever told a tall tale to a child same as
  2. If I'm right he is a she and works in the vets if you want to test your dog's I'll take you out and see what they can do I'll run a whippet if it out works my dog ill buy one
  3. you haven/t seen mine run not many have i dont run with anyone but before xmas i went for a walk with a chap intrested in one of mine he saw another dog i own run and later the same day i was offered 30k for her do i think she is worth that kind of money no i dont i will never part with this dog no matter what the price.She is a top dog but i think there are better out there many never to be seen by anyone but the owner.I now never let her out of sight and wish i,d left her home that day.Not everyone craves fame and fortune.
  4. Just turn and walk away the dog will try and present it in front of you it may take a few to get it right but it will click
  5. What age was the dog when you started working him hard and what was the ground like he,s not much more than a pup now, running on hard ground after fast moving quarry can cause swelling on the wrists of young dogs .What x is it some dogs are still growing at 13 months and despite what many say running dogs hard and young causes exactly this problem.Hope he comes right with a rest and prob a visit to a good vet.
  6. There,s more than enough dogs out there now buy one bred to do the job from proven parents instead of adding to an already over saturated market a dog .
  7. well anyone who had half a brain cell would get the right dog for the job ; or get a good allrounder that will do abit of everthing ,afer all who wants a one trick pony? Yeah do you think every dog will do the job, your dreaming pal. As said alot of lads only hunt certain quarry and is a one trick pony if they cant do the trick then they are no good. Im not saying its right to pass dog on but what you want the lads todo? If someone wants the dog for something else and knows the faults with the dog before taking it on. I dont see what the problem is, but when peddlers pass dogs on for
  8. I have a first x in her second year she was a good dog taking 20 or so every outing on the lamp she would have taken more but due to the lack of rabbits on my bit finding more was more effort than it was worth I only take ever take 20 to 30 whatever dog I take she took 3 and 4 daytime she didnt have the stick like a sal x but was good for 2or 3 mins when properly fit she never jacked and was by far the fastest dog I have ever owned and has been the only dog that I have seen jump a 10foot dike and a five foot hedge in one she was,nt to hot on fox but would torment them until another dog got th
  9. WTF brain dead creationism is a fantasy strange how the gaps in the links get smaller all the time .The dog is not very old in the scale of time past and can be altered in looks in a few generations.Evolution ha been proven in thousands of instances moron .
  10. I bred a litter of Whippets last year and one of the litter turned out merle I personally have never seen it in Whippets both parents lines are clear as far as I know none that I know of in recent history I keep looking at her and thinking someone has put a micky in the line and its come out in that litter has anyone had it come out in supposedly pure bred running dogs.
  11. If the time and effort is put in bonding with the pup gaining respect from it training comes with a lot less stress ,in the first 6 months of its life spend every available minute with your saluki they respond far more than dogs kept in a pen and taken out 3 times a day pretty obvious i know but these dogs seem far more aloof and seem to take longer to mature mine can be used for most work and will stand or sit for as long as is needed and comes as soon as signalled no need to say a word .Dogs I have taken on later in their lives have all had problems some more than others mostly recall and
  12. That's bollox whin all dog's are different as are crosses etc ive got a pup who walk's perfect and doe's everything fine my 10 year old lad walk's him in the day now ive just started to walk this pup on his own on the lamp and the dog is fine but ye stick that lamp on something moving the fecker would pull a house down to get to it and is even worse when ye turn the lamp of and dont let him run it, granted he is getting alot better everytime he is out but they do learn from on the job experiance saying ye sort out a pup before it enters a field is horse shite taking them into the field and the
  13. So teaching your dog not to kill cats,ferrets,Sheep, and other livestock could start bad habits I dont think sos,your dog does not no what is and isnt but it should know when you say go and no.Time and effort is all it takes if you have neither get a cat.Sorry if i,m pissing anybody off but your dog should do as its told when its told all it takes is time and repitition to learn what is exspected of him her.Lazy owners end up with sh1t dogs and its never their fault.Put the time in and get what you wish for.There,s never not enough time. For the thinkers out there
  14. That's bollox whin all dog's are different as are crosses etc ive got a pup who walk's perfect and doe's everything fine my 10 year old lad walk's him in the day now ive just started to walk this pup on his own on the lamp and the dog is fine but ye stick that lamp on something moving the fecker would pull a house down to get to it and is even worse when ye turn the lamp of and dont let him run it, granted he is getting alot better everytime he is out but they do learn from on the job experiance saying ye sort out a pup before it enters a field is horse shite taking them into the field and the
  15. That's bollox whin all dog's are different as are crosses etc ive got a pup who walk's perfect and doe's everything fine my 10 year old lad walk's him in the day now ive just started to walk this pup on his own on the lamp and the dog is fine but ye stick that lamp on something moving the fecker would pull a house down to get to it and is even worse when ye turn the lamp of and dont let him run it, granted he is getting alot better everytime he is out but they do learn from on the job experiance saying ye sort out a pup before it enters a field is horse shite taking them into the field and the
  16. You,re 1/64 oot lol You need to learn math
  17. Do you know his make what dogs are in him
  18. I wont say they are poor but better can be found in the Bicker Swinshead area .
  19. close your eyes reach out and pick one up.If they come from a good line the litter will be more even than a chance one off mating they should be the product of sound proven parents that are the product of the same from generations of the same then it will be less of a lucky dip
  20. You must have owned a poor quality Whippet the only pure bred dog with better wind than a Whippet is a Saluki a few on this site have said Whippets cant stick all I can say is they havent seen a good working Whippet I have timed them not only mine but dogs that were owned by others and a few were good for more than 4 mins and one was timed coursing for 6.20 yes it was blowing and was a bit wobbly but 20 mins later ran again.
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