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Everything posted by CarraghsGem

  1. terriers are different;- i prefer to get them from ireland - preferably the north as they have some real nice terriers up there. they try to pass of any old shite terrier as a patterdale or lakeland here in the west saw a box with small pups in it at a poultry sale lately pups had clearly got spaniel + jack russel in them + they didnt have a drop of patt or lakie blood in them + the guy selling them swore they were patterdale x lakeland - funniest joke ive ever heard...........
  2. thats lunacy, all mammals and birds carry worms
  3. means nothing to me;- over here they are always telling you its "english bred" i think quality is more important than country of origin
  4. skin the rabbit gut it and roast it for the dinner- serve with spuds and gravy! give the ferrets whats left of the raw rabbit that you dont want yourself and any rabbits that are a bit dog chewed, wouldnt give them any bone that has been cooked though as its quite brittle and can splinter, remember that the ferret isnt just a pet hes there to put food on your table as well as in his belly
  5. if i had the choice id prefer to feed them the woodpigeon, im not a bit fan of feeding a carnivore to another carnivore especially that of a scavenger;- you dont know what theyve been eating or what additional diseases they carry also;- might be worth your while advertising locally that you are willing to take unwanted poultry such as roosters etc for free
  6. no, they soon find a way in often starting at the head or near the anus and hollow the bird out, even my young kits (i bought them at 7wks old) have had no trouble with any carcass they have been given
  7. i would give them the birds whole and raw myself, but remember to worm them regularly like you would a dog or cat. also i wouldnt ever feed them any pork (heard it was harmful to ferrets) i also wouldnt feed them beef;- it wouldnt be on the menu to them in the wild i see no harm in feeding them the occasional raw egg though, make a small hole in it and they have great fun, breaking into the egg. atb gem.
  8. all terriers are like that; my lakiexpatt is very stubborn;- think she is finally starting to respect me now though! she was very much an alpha bitch; mustve run rings around her previous owner, persevere it will be worth it in the end.
  9. sexy aint they! an embarrassment to the country.
  10. while wandering round via google i found john gormleys e-mail on an anti's website feel free to voice your opinion on his anti hunting stance directly to that dublin son of a bitch i apologise for my crudeness but that spineless politician disgusts me john gormleys official e-mail; minister@environ.ie p.s;- the antis are starting to press minister gormley to follow the norths example by banning hare coursing here in the republic
  11. he better hope he doesnt bump into me;- id deliver him gift wrapped to the family. let them find there own justice
  12. my favourite breed is the patterdale but i also have had border terriers + fox terriers in the past but didnt like them; they arent forward going enough for my taste, right now i have a patterdale - hes working, also have a lakie x patt bitch but she isnt old enough for a trial run yet.
  13. theres very little i waste, anything i cant cook and eat i feed to the dogs and ferrets (organs and intestines & all as i believe they contain a lot of natural vitamins) anything they cant eat i usually bury.
  14. dont think there is a "best breed of terrier" we all have our own preferences + it depends on your quarry, me- i prefer the patterdale.
  15. wasnt gonna go as moneys a bit tight this week, but feck it im tempted now......
  16. im rearing mine on whole dog-chewed rabbit and whole roosters that are regularly given to me. ran out of both yesterday so slaughtered an old spare drake for them, cut it in half and split it between the 2 hutches as im keeping my 2 adults seperate from the 3 kits
  17. persevere;- i lost most of my crops when my shetland pony broke in and pulled up alot of the young carrots, ate the spinach/cabbage/brussel sprouts + trampled the rhubarb, still have a few bits + i ate some of my new spuds + carrots today in a venison stew my OH made, i planted my potatoes in 5yr old well rotted horse manure in large tubs! and im pleased with the results!
  18. most of my rabbiting ground is old quarry too rough for most lurchers;- im considering getting a small whippet lurcher with terrier and collie blood, doesnt have to be pretty, just small, wirey, smart + tough (i know;- my expectations are way too high, lol) i would even consider working 2 of these together does anyone have one of these lurchers + have feedback or does anyone else here work this kind of rough ground + what do u work it with?
  19. i do it to keep my terriers fit when im not working them during the summer
  20. i paid 30stg for 4 + have given one to a friend of mine, round here you generally pay 20euro each for kits
  21. this is what happens when show breeders get a hold of an animal, its happened in nearly every domesticated species it was only a matter of time before ferrets would become the latest victim to these fashions in dogs they have monstrositys such as the british bulldog, the chinese crested etc, in cats you have persians, sphynx, scottish fold etc in domesticated rats you have the dumbo rat + the hairless, in horses you have the fallabella pony. now they have turned their attention to the humble ferret, be honest; did you really think they would leave that alone? are you really that surprised?
  22. ive 3 new kits bought;- 1 albino + 2 polecat;- all hobs, picked them up at shanes castle;- ferrets can be pricey enough round here
  23. i had a silver a while back;- she was very lazy so i rehomed her as a pet, hope you have more luck with yours. gem.
  24. me + my lakiexpatt at shanes castle (pic courtesy of bluebell) she is about 11mths, what do ya think of her?
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