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About CarraghsGem

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    looking in your window

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  1. im still in shock.... my working collie bitch was spayed a few days ago, short while ago she tore open her stitches and tore her guts badly. had to pts..... best working sheepdog ive ever had, im pretty much devastated.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wild Whippies

      Wild Whippies

      So sorry you've lost your girl.

    3. CarraghsGem


      no-one was to blame.. one of those things... freak accident... she was only outside unsupervised 20mins with her 6mth old pup

    4. CarraghsGem


      have to bury her tomorrow, couldnt face it today.

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