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taffy apple

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Everything posted by taffy apple

  1. Lookin good Tam. Cheers Iain,Pity about that white sock on the front foot nowt wrong with a white foot as long as it works...a lot of middleton stuff has white feet thrown out now and again...
  2. was a great day, good weather, good turnout and some cracking dogs...event is getting better by the year, well done to the organisers and all who did their part...
  3. 14 mts bitch...2yrs now and going good
  4. just a question, how do you knock off this singles dating shit from the homepage... i come on here to get away from women, i got enough of a headache living with me...cheers for instructions...p.s. women who hunt are ok, not a dig at you...
  5. just wanted to add my part as ive done years of work in wales, england, scotland and ireland...as well as a lot of other countrys and will add that there are good people and bad in every area, ive even met good english good luck and prosperity to all native british and may we all one day stick together.......
  6. why dont you just combine the two and get a bull/whippet ?????should make a handy allrounder if bred right...ive heard jp has some handy stuff, dont know if any are for sale......
  7. i never bothered to show my dogs cause to me their always no.1....dont need a rosette to tell me i got a good terrier...
  8. i will be there with family as long as its not pissing it down
  9. didnt do bad at all...failed to draw a blank every trip out..and went out a few times...kept myself and my dogs happy...
  10. lukey, ive tryed to send you pm but it says you cant receive...
  11. ive kept a patterdale for 17 yrs and just gone to lakelands, so i must be a complete t*at eh...horses for courses turnerboi no good putting a dog which wont come off into a rocky place and no point putting an incredibly hard dog into a 20ft dig...respect your peers as most will have forgot more than you have learnt so far...nothing against you fella, i like a fiery little fu*ker, thats why i keep terriers...
  12. doesnt look like a lot will change then...just thaught id ask...
  13. a long time ago everyone said that they were gonna stop buying the countrymans weekly cause they sided with the theif and carried on selling his gear...it wasnt such a hardship cause the countrymans is shite anyway...
  14. just a quick question to all dogmen alike, due to the change in law there should only be undocked puppies being shown from now on..far from being a stupid law that they have no doubt made to hinder us i feel that they have actually helped us as in effect it should mean that from now on the only dogs eligable for showing will be undocked, thus taking away the temptation of people breeding for looks and making out there workers, as there will now be no point in having a relly good looking worker as it cant be shown due to being docked anyway...and i do know that there are bound to be some good w
  15. thats a belter...even got a laugh from my misses...
  16. Iv seen alot worse, should see the condition some people leave foxes in fields after a GOOD night out youd be amazed. So hey, whats the differance ? Is it just because its a domesticated animal that its seen as so crule ? The old antis must love this site. I can almost here them now saying, "what a bunch of hippocrits" Now is that a good point or what ??? have you ever seen the carnage left by a fox on a rampage...ive picked up many of my chickens and ducks piece at a time, seems to bite off the wings first, then you normally find either a leg or head and neck then the bodys...very oft
  17. does anyone know how rusty or prime were bred ? and any idea of how they worked....were they hard dogs or were they sensible week in week out dogs...?
  18. Could i keep clown loaches in a pair or do they have to be in a group? As im running tight for room atm. i think i was told at sometime that over feeding causes snails...
  19. Not had as much as i would have like with the terriers this season took more on the lamp atb keano had all too ground 4 5 bolts not enough...ive still got one roaming around my chickens.......
  20. be nice to know the outcome of this as im just about to buy one ready for next season...will wait to find a few reveiws now though...
  21. The only middleton bred dog called chip I know was back in the late 70s wouldve been a while back now...i beleive he was put to trixie to produce jewel
  22. if you havent seen a dog work, then you arnt qualified to comment on it...if you buy a pup off parents youve never seen work, then how do you know what qualitys they have to offer...
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