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taffy apple

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Everything posted by taffy apple

  1. old type aa s410 carbine...was dark wood, had a grip/stock designed for an east german athlete...shaved a good deal of weight and sise off, altered the butt, cheekpiece, forend and grip...cut grip to fit hand, added new type checquerin with a few twists (hand carved) and fitted a rosewood piece to bottom of grip..finished it off by staining it alla nice antique pine...all work cost me £100 off a good mate...sorry about spreading the pics, couldnt get them all on the same page
  2. only had her first season, just turning two...seen a good handfull and done ok...was about 14 mts in this photo...
  3. my old jack bitch used to retrieve pretty well...just a tad hard mouthed though...
  4. hello buddy, they are trying to reopen marshfield banger club on newport speedway facilities, dont know if its going ahead or not...worth ringing them to find out...otherwise there is still racing up in somerset...its quite tame compared to marshfield but still better than watching the telly..
  5. You have obviously had a bad experience with them mate.?? Never owned one Linton, never would. Live in the locality of the mentioned breeder & know first hand what they have done/bred from. These fuckers have bred from/lied about the terriers they have & sold pups for silly money from unsuspecting buyers. each to their own...hope you well with your dogs, i will stick with the shite bred stuff as its the best ive seen...
  6. but somewhere between the shite, there were some good dogs that went to some good dog men...and they in turn only bred to the best workers...no show shite...and thus there are still good dogs about from middleton/stobbart matings...just harder to find as the true terriermen dont breed for money and dont part with dogs/pups to joe blogs...
  7. how has the breeding let it down?explain A pup out of Tupac won our puppy championship just the other day, it was a well put together dog and second to none stamp wise. All the best with the sale and hope the dog finds a good home. I think what Corky was on about is that this stuff is more known for showing than working. Got it in one Busterdog, %100 pure show lines from Stobbarts stuff. Loads of failures & even Middleton stuff these days are lacking. Cracking pup though, didn't think he'd be there long just a note, ive seen both sire and dam worked many times and none
  8. hello buddy, you seem honest enough about the bitch not quite retreiving etc, fair play, any chance you can say the reason that this bitch wont fit into your pack ??????
  9. well, im still a 32 yr old teenager so if anyone wants to challenge me for a few pints i will take them up on it...ps, my dogs are crap, but they will love it...and so will i so its a win win...and a good day out...wales areas only...
  10. get yourself some fycam..the reason it might not have worked is that most stuff only kills the live fleas...but there will be lots of dormant ones waiting to hatch...these can stay dormant for a weeks/months untill movement hatches them out ie somebody walking on the floorboard their attatched to and as such a repeat spraying will be needed before the freshly hatched can breed again...hope this has helped....good luck
  11. takes some front to actually use the dog you have stolen in a video.....what a fuc*ing cock jockey... :wankerzo4:
  12. one for the bull terrier enthusiasts, if you know this piece then you know how rare and collectable it is...i have mine for sale/swap...will swap for nice terrier ornament, hunting scene or am open to offers on wide range of things...photo to follow as soon as i get it on or can send to phone..
  13. students, pensioners and upper class...say no more........
  14. cheers guys..youve given me a glimmer of light...she is farm bred out of working dogs, both dog and dam owned by farmer...she said she baught it so shed have her own dog which i didnt take working but she might be wrong as ive broken it to the ferrets already and the terriers have taken to her good...so far... the only fear i have is that it might chase sheep...but directed from the start then it might come good...and then at least i will have a brood bitch for the next generation of grehound x's :angel:out of shit grow roses...
  15. hello all, am after a bit of advise after coming home to find my misses has baught a collie (streight)has anyone had any experience in ferreting with a streight collie...and before any comments...i know a greyhound x wouldve been better,but as said, the misses baught it and im trying to make the best out of a bad situation...
  16. took this one earlier...headstrong little feckers...hows yours doing ?????
  17. hello alaunt, not very good pics, but one of the litter sisters to your pup...will get some photos of the other sister when i go down my old mans...
  18. one of my old dogs...pretty sure there was a bit of bull in him somewhere...
  19. yep...a couple...100% with ferrets and quite patient...if you ignore the shaking...
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