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Everything posted by bunnyboiler

  1. Could someone point me in the right direction ive seen them on here and just spent half hour looking for them cheers
  2. great shooting mate as usual been reading your reviews on here and have ordered one today got to wait as its a left hander what scope ' pellets and silencer would you recommend
  3. ended up getting the lightforce 240 blitz as my bro went halves and is thinking of getting a lurcher in the future so thanks for all the replies also got the red cover so will try and sneak up on the little b*****ds has some one has mentioned any tips or does and don'ts ? cheers
  4. That's what im asking mate dont know anything about them ? I take it long range beams are for lamping with dogs and high powered guns the shorter ones for air guns ? Thanks
  5. Thanks for the replies when i go out i will be with other people who will hold the lamp im gona get one of those belt battery pack 12volt 18Ah any one used one of these ? are they any good ? so im just looking for a hand held lamp to walk with cheers just spotted one of these would this do the job LIGHTFORCE BLITZ 240mm LONG RANGE HUNTING LAMP LIGHT
  6. Hi there ive got a falcon hawk gas riffle 22 and want to go out on a night lamping with it dont know which lamp is best to buy been looking at the ucaller night eye 1700mm lamp would this be good for what i need it for and what would be the best battery pack to go with it for walking the fields thanks for your advice
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