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Everything posted by bunnyboiler

  1. Your not the only one by the sounds of it trying to buy his nets
  2. It’s on Nelsons fakebook mate new ferret finder in the making watch this space ??
  3. Someone said he’s setting up a shop someone else also said he’s bringing out a new ferret finder and paid deben 100 thousand pounds for the patent someone also said he Don’t answer is phone ?
  4. Doesn’t surprise me to be fair mate ?
  5. https://www.cp-lighting.co.uk/Osram-62138-12V-100W-G6-35?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9b-Vnay78gIVYIBQBh1TDA0oEAQYCCABEgKYy_D_BwE
  6. Osram 62138 12V 100W G6.35 WWW.CP-LIGHTING.CO.UK Osram 62138 12V 100W G6.35 There you go mate stay away from the horizontal bulbs
  7. Not to worry it will be ready for the start of the season ?
  8. So this one being tried out is it one of Nelson’s or somebody else’s?
  9. So what’s happening with the new ones to replace the mk3 that Les paid deben 100 grand for ?
  10. There’s already brand new mk1 boxes for sale on eBay I’ll put the link Up so you better hurry up and test them ? Ferret Finder MK 1 Brand New, WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Works with all MK 1 Collars. New Collars Available.
  11. Giant Extra Large Non Drip Water Bottle for Rabbit Cage 1.1 Litre WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Non Drip Water Bottle. Giant Animal Water Bottle. Suitable for Rabbits & other Small Animals. Anti-Rust...
  12. I’ll be honest with you mate it’s a nightmare getting in touch with him it’s taken me months before?? I ended up coming on here the same as you for someone to get in touch with him tried everything but what I will say is that his stuff is second to none ? I just feel sorry for anybody purchasing his finders and collars if this is going to be his customer service ?
  13. How many mesh deep are his long nets mate
  14. As the title says two hobs two jills pm me for more details atb BB
  15. Lightforce 240 Blitz hunting lamp with curly cord and cigarette lighter socket WWW.EBAY.CO.UK LIGHTFORCE produces a wide range of superior portable lighting that will not let you down. •...
  16. Shipping and import tax I got stung ordering from Australia mate wouldn’t bother costs as much as it would buying from the uk few on eBay every now and again unless you know someone who lives in Australia and will ship it as a present ? atb BB
  17. Think he means the monkey piss yellow colour ?
  18. Send them mate I’ve a mk3m collar here that won’t turn off so have to keep taking batteries out I’ll give him a shout atb BB
  19. If I remember there’s nothing can be done with mk3 collars as there a sealed unit atb BB
  20. From what I can gather he spends more time in hospital than out mate
  21. Says Warwickshire in his profile mate
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