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Everything posted by bunnyboiler

  1. The sportsman gun centre are a Lightforce distributor so keep an eye on there for one as well mate
  2. I’ll take one as well if they’ve got any in stock ?
  3. I used this place Additional collar of location garmin t5 mini WWW.PECHEUR.COM A top-mounted, high-sensitivity GPS/GLONASS receiver, T 5 mini dog device uses LED beacon lights... but a lot use gps4us in America
  4. I use the alpha and t5 mini collars I’ve found the t5 collars are over kill and to big and bulky for what we run as there mainly for the American market when there hunts go on for hours and hours sometimes days
  5. Tuck it in them new boots you was strutting about in last night ? ?
  6. Lightforce Striker hunting lamp 170 with curly cord and cigarette lighter socket WWW.EBAY.CO.UK LIGHTFORCE produces a wide range of superior portable lighting that will not let you down. Computer... There you go £140 just put your blitz head on it ?
  7. Don’t even bother buying from lightforce Australia the import tax and duty is ridiculous I got stung by them find someone who lives in Australia and get them to send as a present ? or keep an eye on eBay there’s one or two popping up now and again atb BB
  8. bunnyboiler


    Collar antennas mate ? I might have a spare nocking about
  9. bunnyboiler


    You’ll get the tax and duty bill in the post soon then mate unless they sent it as a gift
  10. bunnyboiler


    Eye burn mate Turn the brightness to 0 and contrast on 10 that helps a bit ?
  11. You just need the blitz head mate there interchangeable
  12. My bad I thought you was referring to the wingabunga plant that was first discovered by Christopher Columbus It’s healing powers are said to be that of the fungimugi plant that can cure athletes foot ? in 35 minutes ?
  13. Why not just bring him in and put a blanket next to the fire and feed him steak ? ??The dogs got a swollen wrist ffs and people are saying to go to the African rain forest and get these rare leaves that only come out one day every century ? just give home ibuprofen and be done with it lad ?
  14. bunnyboiler


    Mines on a lanyard around my neck as soon as I get out the truck until I get back in you need to get some zips on your tracksuit bottoms mate ?
  15. bunnyboiler


    Is that a T5 or a T5 mini collar?
  16. bunnyboiler


    ? how does that work mate ? I switch my Garmin on and that’s it look at the compass on the screen tells me what direction they are and how far away and what direction there traveling what was your mate doing with it ?
  17. bunnyboiler


    Some antenna that lad f**k knows what’s going on there never had a problem with mine though
  18. Any litters about a mate of mine is looking atb BB
  19. bunnyboiler


    Garmin alpha or Astro plus t5 mini collars
  20. Read his post on locator not working if that don’t give it away fuckall will ??
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