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Water Badger

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Everything posted by Water Badger

  1. OMG this gear is not only bomb proof but when you do have a problem these guys do their upmost to sort it Today I burnt my favoriet top on a smoker big poxy hole in the side mutch to the amusment of my hunting companions :wankerzo4: So i get home and e-mail Swazi to say exactly what happened and i bought it from a bush craft outlet in the UK this was the reply Good morning Mat Thank you for your email Please send your garment to us for repair along with $10.00 for postage and we will repair this for you. Kind regards Louise Makutu Swazi Apparel Limited P
  2. seen your sis`s pupps yet ? I hear they have arrived I still want to visit Mr Platts kennels have to be January thought any chance ?

  3. off road transit just say the word grass near a transit and the wheels spin
  4. Nice lucky man enjoy not too mutch barb wire in site
  5. Read the book WORKING DEERHOUNDS, LURCHERS AND LONGDOGS.by Bill Doherty you will want one after that I do top book yes they can do rabbits and if you love them and have the space why not give the bitch a home I hear they hate reduns with a passion
  6. Nice dog there, how old was he when he had them off? How long till he was over the op? He is six months here and he was back out off the lead in two weeks money well spent for piece of mind
  7. anyone who is descent in the lurcher game dont mind eating into profit coz that should not be there reason for breeding in the first place, and any descent dog lad should have the competence to do it, it realy is that easy. you only have to look on youtube it shows you on there how to do it Thats fine but if you are new to the game and dont have a good selection of contacts that you can get a dog through of the breeding you want you may well end up on the phone to a puppy peddler and they are definatley intrested in £££`s.
  8. Not all breeders are aware they can cause a problem so they leave them alone for 2 reasons 1 they have not got the confidence to do it 2 they don`t want to pay to have them off because it eats into profit of pupps
  9. I have had them done on my beddy whip anthing you can do to reduce injury to your dogs is good You can bet they will injure themselve right on when you either have a top invite, Good new ground or when the farmer wants you theire ASAP frustrating situation then you enter the area of running a damaged dog before it has healed and making things worse and causing other problems Heres my boy after his opp
  10. Looks like strong stuff is the way to go In the mean time I shall be putting them in belly up piles to collect on the return journey (if the boy dose that well)
  11. never heard anybody else complain about his ones who said i was complaining, water badger give me an addres and pay postage you can have my ss one PM sent
  12. looked at strong stuffs carriers Game on thanks guys
  13. What system dose who use for carrying dead bunnies ? I saw a picture in an artical in this weeks countrymans weekley and it looked like a load of black splices to put round bunnies legs with a sholder strap Where can i get one?
  14. Is cooking saddle of red deer with Parsnip and celereac puree in a red wine jus

    1. hedz31


      i tell you what fella i dont want an invite up to yours to hunt i just want to come over for a meal lol

    2. Water Badger

      Water Badger

      If you can`t do your quarry justice by cooking it well dont kill it :)

    3. hedz31


      you wouldnt want to eat what i spend most of my time in pursuit of fella

  15. he will certainlt be getting lots more practice not long before moon will stop play for a bit
  16. My 12month old beddy whip is struggling to hold on to the rabbits he is catching on the lamp! I am worried this may lead to him being hard mouthed? He had 4 tonight out of 6 runs and 2 kicked out i was gutted for him he is trying so hard
  17. Is off to make some some venison soup : )

    1. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      that will be nice we hade venision lastnight

    2. Hollie


      mmmmmm yum yum that sounds fab :)

    3. Tallyho


      i love venison but my god dont it make you fart lol .

  18. off out for a shine with tyler dont you arm chair hunters miss me i will be back tommorow XX

  19. An accurate description i think lol The tool box, as you call it, is a hi tech ultra modern ferret transport solution! Waterproof too! I have to admit though, if it did contain a magic lurcher repair kit it would be bloody handy for my line of glass lurchers LOL They do say "Its only the good ones that break!" Whatever you have such little faith in your dogs there is a long net behind them Pot ... kettle How many Dougie caught this season? More than willow and you said dont rush him Mr Mentor
  20. Your clear outs full up again ! wont let me send you a msg?

  21. An accurate description i think lol The tool box, as you call it, is a hi tech ultra modern ferret transport solution! Waterproof too! I have to admit though, if it did contain a magic lurcher repair kit it would be bloody handy for my line of glass lurchers LOL They do say "Its only the good ones that break!" Whatever you have such little faith in your dogs there is a long net behind them
  22. thats fuckall............. I got banned for saying, exactly this............ and here was me thinking it was going to be a boring saturday ...................... ......... Are we going for the record of most members on line to be banned in one go
  23. check this out I got banned for aparentley posting shite then when reinstated i enquired with the mod why and it was for posting shite ?? i said what shit reply could not remember but must have been for good reason see you in a month or so
  24. My beddy whip is 12 months now and has just started on the lamp only given him 2 runs so far but no joy he has had them in the day but we walk our permision all the time every day
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