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Water Badger

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Everything posted by Water Badger

  1. Im in surrey will keep my eyes open always keeping an ear to the ground if I hear of out will give you a shout If you dont want to post it PM me a mobile number. as most know i cannot abide dog theives :wankerzo4: Keep me posted if you hear out even if its a reported sighting and if i am about will check it out. Good luck
  2. was the wheaton a working dog? if so game on I am sure the collie will bring extra to the mix hopfully not too much what are the %`s
  3. if you love a green lawn check out a product called dog rocks! stops patches!
  4. if you had or maybe you have a small pack of dogs idealy what mix of sexes would you go? all Bitches? all Dogs? 50 50 Mix? based on a mixed pack of lurchers/terriers
  5. cheres MRD top advice like i said theire looked to be a good add in the countrymans weekley but they did not reply to the enquirey refrence a repeate mating I will only take a dog if a)the tim is right for me and i can provide the pup with 100% attention for the first 6 months b)if the make up looks good with both dam and sire working I will wait till i have some good contacts off the forums I am in the market for another lurcher but waiting for the right dog I have made friends with a couple of guys i realy respect on the lurcher section so hopfully they will come up with the goods. Incidentl
  6. Glover wouldn't know a working bedlington if you slapped the twat in the face with it... I looked through the link topper put up up in reply to this post you had some cracking looking dogs back then I am looking more for a bushing dog mainly on rabbits but capable above ground if required , I have just joined the working beddlington forum and from some of the feed back there is a bit of fell and or lakeie in the line do you know anbody breeding dogs that would suit what i am working towards? part of a pack with lurchers doing the open stuff and Jrt`s in the real heavy cover but the
  7. thats one hell of a post topper thanks for the link some pics not showing but intresting read heave on fox side not a problem but i will lean toward rabbits with the hope of a dog game enough to do the do if renard is above ground going to visit the working beddy forum thanks for the info guys
  8. Thanks for that chapp intresting lots of the adverts state guthcommon/rillington lines The dog I requier would be for bushing with the pack so I am best to stay along the rillington lines I will check out the working beddlington forum has anybody else got any advice?
  9. When we hunt together we divide the bag between us using clean kills for the table and anthing that may be less fit for table is given to the ferrets. Skins are utilised for training pups larger pelts are cured we dont waist anthing. Unfortunatley plenty of people go out and take part in the sport but treat the bag at the end of the day as an inconvienence if you cannot do your quarry justice dont hont it leave it the fook alone. We try to finish in time so we can process out catch together as part of the day The butchers near me will do straight swap for other meat so it adds variety
  10. Thinking of adding a Bedlington to my pack want to do my research to ensure I get the right one from a good line there was what looked like a good litter advertised in countrymans weekley month or so back text them to enquier if another mating was on the cards but no reply you hear plenty bannded about refering to guthcommon and rillington lines I have read John glovers book looked at the background. Any advice?? I dont mind travelling for the right pup out of a cracking line I will be starting to look end of january all advice and recomendations greatfully recived
  11. well snows stopped work sure some of the lads have gone hunting badgers going to knitt nets

  12. That was a cracking day mixed bag using mixed methods and a moderate ammount of urine extraction cant wait to get out again
  13. arms ache after a hard session knitting his longnet

  14. mother in law is about hopfully sneak off bushing at weekend

    1. lurcher lass

      lurcher lass

      don't blame you!! lol

  15. Nice looking whippits how many have you got?
  16. has just recived his fist lot of long net making materials looks complicated but looking forward to the chalange!

  17. dont think he works is stock any more, were good dogs. Rather by from working sire+ dam, then you know what they will do now, not 10-15 years ago.!! I really don't think you need to worry about the working ability of the dogs Dave's breeds. It's easy to knock other people but there are dogs from his breeding killing all sorts of game on at least four continents. I have never bought a dog from him, but I know Dave and the blood lines of our dogs are connected and if you go to his house he will show you letters and testimonials from an awful lot of people who have bought pups from him
  18. Back of the countrymans weekley with a litter for sale
  19. has just recived skycats new book cant wait to finish work

  20. Had a similar thing happen and like you I just lost it lucky for me I was really close and managed to sprint in when no attention was paid to the recall he was just standing over a lamb he had run into a fence (8 months old at the time) I just saw red and gave him a proper clump instantly i wished i had not put him straight back on the lead but touch wood he has been fine since no problem like the others say just take him out on a long lead and check him if intrest is shown. I like romanys idear with the whistle. Only other idear is in a field with Rams if you have an understanding farmer
  21. You muppet you said you would leave your number but didnt ;(

  22. Sh1t hot gear price is up but if you have a problem it gets sorted thats all I ask
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