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Everything posted by shane-1

  1. hello we at roscrea r holding 4 dog racing nearly every sunday its on this sunday 3 o clock start why not come along and try your dog this is out of traps for more info contact me on 0863296667 or just pm me anythink tat wins r days racing out right will be a qualafier for the 32 counties champions of champions in donemea co tyrone on the 11th sep
  2. hello everyone we will be holding show 2nd aug bankholiday wk end..all types of terriers whippets lurchers and fox hounds also your little pets lurcher racing start 2.30 out of traps please support this show this is a qualifer for the 32counties champions of champions in tyrone for more details contact me on 0863296667 all welcome please note there will be ferret showing as well no strong dogs allowed please note no [strong dogs allowed] thanks shane lee
  3. hello everyone we r having lurcher racing sunday13th everyone welcome start time 3pm so if u want a grate days racing roscrea will be the place to be for more info pm me thanks
  4. hello everyone we will be flapping racing again this sunday18th please note all dogs must be muzzled and ware covers and has to come out of traps last sunday was a cracking days racing congrats to all winners..3.30 start all welcome leonards bog roscrea co tipperary..
  5. all welcome to roscrea 11th april for more details contact me 0863296667
  6. who is running this do u know or how do u even enter a dog wat way do they run it how many a time
  7. it was in Roscrea in Tipperary when is it on again freem thanks well lad im the sect of this club we wont ave one again for about 10weeks but we are starting flapping racing today week four dog races if u wish to come..
  8. great shots tanks for putting them up bill
  9. is there racing for lurchers lad and wat is the story to enter
  10. hello there we at roscrea are starting flapping racing 4 dogs out of traps 11th april 3.30pm all welcome we also will be aveing a big race day few mounts down the road for anyone intreasted please note your dog or bitch will ave to ave ran at least once at or venue befor he r she will be able to turn up the day of or big race day look forword to seeing you i can be contact on 0863296667
  11. when is the next rosscrea dog show on i was at the last one a bout a week or two ago tinkin about entering my dog in for a bit of crack let me no pls. tat was not a show lad it was racing show as showing dogs..we are starting flapping racing 11th april 3.30 start just turn up on thge day this is out of traps four dogs racing at a time sound ill see ya thier who do i contact about entering my dog
  12. Id be up for that on the 11th ! Do you need to enter or is is just turn up on the day ? turn up on the day lad
  13. when is the next rosscrea dog show on i was at the last one a bout a week or two ago tinkin about entering my dog in for a bit of crack let me no pls. tat was not a show lad it was racing show as showing dogs..we are starting flapping racing 11th april 3.30 start
  14. thanks lads for info sporting men..anyone else know dates please pleas let us know thank u
  15. we in roscrea will be aveing dog show this year [roscrea working dog social club]we would like to work wit other clubs and not ave or show clashing so could u being a member r else if u know dates of shows around will ye please post them to me thanks seactary shane lee
  16. wanted a quad we r based in roscrea co tipperary so if u ave one for sale contavt me on 0863296667 willing to pay up to 400euro only
  17. just 20days to go to or big drag lurcher racing avent entries now being taken so please pick up the phone or pm me my contact number is 0863296667 this is one of the best run meeting in ireland and attracts dogs from all over some very good ones at tat so dont delay in entering we want knowone dissapointed look forward from ereing from u my regards s,lee
  18. When can i enter ? soon as u like lad just pm me
  19. just little over six weeks left so lads start getting these dogs ready.please dont be dissapointed and enter your dogs early
  20. where ya from lad let me know if u want to enter 0863296667
  21. did ya say it to many lads about the racing lad Not yet will see them over the weekend !
  22. did ya say it to many lads about the racing lad Not yet will see them over the weekend ! u can ring me on 0863296667 wit the entries lad or just pm them onto me
  23. Thats grand so ! Will you be running any yourself ? ya 3 lad two big 1 small dont know how good small dog is just got him last week andthe way weather was could do nothink wit them Was just out there got 5 out of 6 rabbits in an hour 4 of them 1 after the other And he hasnt been out since early December ! sorry only getting back now stuart was good going wit him they r gone very skarce up ere and use to be very plentyful but was lads comeing from all taking them Ya getting very lamp shy round here aswell ! did ya say it to many lads about the racing lad
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